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New co-op partnership launched to support community projects

28 Sep 2017 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

The pilot scheme from Co-op Foundation and Co-operative and Community Finance will focus on community centres, housing, transport and green spaces Co-op Foundation

The Co-op Foundation and Co-operative and Community Finance have partnered up to develop a new programme of grants and social investments to support community-run enterprises in disadvantaged areas across the UK.

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Our People, Volunteering Workshop (Wythenshawe)

27 Sep 2017 - 21:13 by jack.puller

This page contains information and booking details for Our People, Volunteering Workshops (delivered by Volunteer Centre Manchester). To read more about Our People, Volunteering please click here.

 In October 2017, Manchester City Council (MCC) and Macc will be launching an exciting partnership initiative to link Council employees with Manchester’s local voluntary community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) organisations.

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GMPA launches the ‘Household items and repairs’ map

20 Sep 2017 - 12:50 by michelle.foster

Back in January Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA) launched the Emergency Food Providers map, a Google map showing the location of all the foodbanks, pay-as-you-feel cafés, food clubs and pantries that they could find.

GMPA added more pins and made any necessary amendments over the past 9 months. Since its launch this map has had over 6,400 visits and hope that it will continue to be a really useful resource.

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Free chairs

19 Sep 2017 - 15:06 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council have some free chairs to give away which are located at Hulme Hall, in the grounds of Claremont Resource Centre, which is at the junction of Jarvis road and Rolls Crescent in Hulme, M15 5FS. The chairs will need to be collected.


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Manchester BME Network - Free Legal Advice Sessions starting

19 Sep 2017 - 09:10 by michelle.foster

Manchester BME Network are starting their free legal advice sessions again on Tuesday (19 September), with the sessions taking place on Tuesdays 9.30am-11.30am at Mauldeth House, 2nd floor right, Nell Lane, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7RL.

Areas covered, include: Housing, Immigration, Employment, Property, Family and Taxation

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Tell your story! Join us, share your experiences about homelessness in Manchester and become a trained Community Reporter

15 Sep 2017 - 09:24 by michelle.foster

We think that people telling their own stories about the experiences that matter to them, and that are important to their lives is powerful stuff. Community Reporting is all about storytelling and helping people to find their voice and describe their own realities through storytelling. We use basic digital skills and pocket technology such as smartphones and tablets to support people to tell their own stories, in their own ways.

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Cultural Partnership Agreement grants 2018-22 - call for applications

15 Sep 2017 - 09:21 by michelle.foster

Not-for-profit cultural organisations can apply for funding of between £10,000 and £40,000 per year, from April 2018 to March 2022, to support the core costs of their organisation. A total of £280,000 per year is available (subject to annual budget setting) over four years from this fund. Manchester City Council

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Comic Relief Core Strength – Local Communities

15 Sep 2017 - 09:19 by michelle.foster

Forever Manchester have launched Core Strength – Local Communities for 2017/18. This 12-month programme is responding to the growing need of small, locally led groups to cover their day-to-day costs. The aim is to provide funding for groups’ core costs – meaning expenditure that is not connected to delivering projects but focusing on investing in the organisation as a whole, such as basic running costs. Forever Manchester know securing core funding can be tough and want to use this programme to help support those doing much needed work in their local communities.

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Northmoor Community Centre Next Step Project - free HMRC information and advice sessions

15 Sep 2017 - 09:15 by michelle.foster

These free information and advice sessions are for community organisations supporting residents with HMRC benefits: Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, Child Benefits, PAYE/Self-Assessment. Northmoor Communtiy Assoication

Sessions cover:
• Entitlement
• Claiming Online
• Under Payments
• Over Payments

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