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The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service now open for applications for the 2018 awards

16 Aug 2017 - 10:31 by michelle.foster

The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the anniversary of The Queen's coronation. It is the MBE for volunteer groups. The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

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Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children – child sexual exploitation resources from the Children’s Society

16 Aug 2017 - 10:29 by michelle.foster

As part of an initiative in West Yorkshire, The Children’s Society have been looking at how Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities can keep their young people safe from child sexual exploitation. The Children's Society

It explored the barriers to engagement through traditional agencies and support systems and examined what was needed to ensure that young people from these communities, their parents and carers were aware and informed.

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NOMA Community Fund

11 Aug 2017 - 11:33 by michelle.foster

The NOMA Fund offers awards of up to £1,000 to grassroots community organisations working with young people aged between 11 and 25 years old. Activity needs to be taking place and supporting those who live within the boundary of the M60 motorway. Annual income of groups applying to the Fund should be less than £100,000. Awards of up to £1,000 are available. NOMA

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Preventing hate crime: funding for community projects

11 Aug 2017 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

Apply for funding for community projects that prevent hate crime. Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by hostility on the grounds of race (including colour, nationality, ethnicity and national origin), religion, disability, sexual orientation and transgender identity. Providing funding for projects that prevent hate crime is one of the actions included in the UK government’s hate crime action plan. Home Office

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Manchester Be Proud Awards 2017

11 Aug 2017 - 11:07 by michelle.foster

Manchester has great communities, with people and groups who make a real difference. Manchester City Council wants to say thanks to these people, make sure they are recognised and show them they are appreciated for what they do. Be Proud Awards

Who goes that extra mile where you live? Those individuals or groups who do lots for their neighbourhoods, and create that buzz.

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The WISE100 nominations now open – recognising leading women in social enterprise

11 Aug 2017 - 10:53 by michelle.foster

The WISE100 (Women in Social Enterprise 100) is a new initiative from the NatWest SE100 Index which aims to recognise the invaluable contribution of 100 of the most inspiring and influential women in social enterprise, impact investment and social innovation. Women in Social Enterprise 100

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Manchester Work Club Funding Programme 2017-18

4 Aug 2017 - 11:09 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing informal employment support to Manchester residents. Manchester City Council

In light of this the Work and Skills Team will be managing a small grant programme to support organisations based in the City of Manchester who are delivering work club activities.

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