Health and Wellbeing

Social enterprise uses small actions for a big impact in dementia care in Manchester

A local social enterprise took on a time banking project to help improve the quality of life of people with dementia in care homes in Manchester. Unlimited Potential

Marcia Powell, who is the project lead from Unlimited Potential, piloted Time to Connect for nine months at EachStep, a care home in Blackley with residents living with dementia.

Volunteer at Survivors Manchester

Following a number of high profile cases, including the Football Abuse scandal, and with increasing public awareness of male sexual violence thanks to programmes such as Coronation Street and Hollyoaks, Survivors Manchester has seen a huge increase in demand for their much needed therapeutic support services and are delighted to be able to seek to appoint a number of new colleagues to their team. Survivors Manchester

The Big Lunch 2018 – 3 June 2018

The Big Lunch is the UK's biggest annual get together for neighbours.  It's a simple idea - that for a few glorious hours, cars stop, shyness stops and neighbours come together in the street to meet, greet, share, swap, sing, plan and laugh.  In 2017, 9.3 million people took to their streets, gardens and neighbourhoods to join in for a few hours of community, friendship and fun. The Big Lunch

Equalities Coordinator Host Organisation required for GM Health and Social Care VCSE Engagement Project

GMCVO, on behalf of the Greater Manchester VCSE Devolution Reference Group, is leading on a Health and Social Care Engagement project to implement the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester. The Memorandum of Understanding sets out a way for the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester to be better engaged and linked in with the Health and Social Care devolution agenda in GM.

GM Social Prescribing Map

Salford CVS is working with the University of Salford to map social prescribing provision across Greater Manchester. This is an important piece of work as it will help to determine the extent of social prescribing provision as we move forward across GM to develop social prescribing models as part of our Person and Community-Centred Approaches programme. The aim is to create a 'map' of social prescribing for the whole of GM so that we can understand the great work that's already happening, lift out the beacons of good practice and help share information and ideas across GM.