Health and Wellbeing

The Greater Manchester Tobacco Programme, ‘Making Smoking History’ – calling all Manchester community groups, charities and networks

• Are you a Manchester community group, charity or network that wants to help reduce smoking in the city?
• Do you want to shape a Greater Manchester-wide project with an aim of ‘Making Smoking History’?
• Could you help to identify the factors that lead people to smoke, especially those within certain ‘priority groups’?
• Would you like to generate income towards your work?

Information on plans to commemorate the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack

Manchester City Council is leading the city’s arrangements to mark the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack on Tuesday 22 May 2018. We love Manchester Chairty

Those affected by those terrible events will want to mark the date in different ways, so the programme is varied and takes different forms, to make sure that people can feel connected to it.

Invitation to Bid: Manchester Food Board Manager

Manchester Health and Care Commissioning have a new opportunity to work with the Manchester Food Board. The Provider will deliver a programme of work which, in due course, is intended to transition the Manchester Food Board and its food work into an effective and independent programme. Manchester Health and Care Commissioning

Manchester Local Care Organisation: I’ve got a good feeling about this

About a year ago, I wrote a blog which focused on the development of the Manchester Local Care Organisation. Its subtitle was Episode IV: A New Hope. Now that the LCO is officially launching on 1st April, I’m finding myself wondering what this moment actually means? And which bit of Star Wars is it?

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Champion Awards 2018 – Nominations now open

Organised by Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, with support from the Mayor of Greater Manchester, the Greater Manchester Health and Care Champion Awards 2018 are the first in the city-region to recognise members of the paid and unpaid health and care workforce who regularly go above and beyond to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Greater Manchester.

People's Health Trust Active Communities funding programme - HealthForm

Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities even better places to live are now invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality. People's Health Trust

Active Communities is a funding programme for community groups and not-for-profit organisations, with an income of less than £350,000 a year or an average of £350,000 over two years.

Civil Society Strategy Consultation: Save the Petunias!

"Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was “Oh no, not again”.

Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now."

A Greater Manchester survey to better unerstand how The GMHSC Partnership can support working carers

Following the launch of the Carers Charter for Greater Manchester in January, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSC Partnership) has demonstrated its commitment to carers and adopted the Working Carers Pledge. The pledge was developed using established good practice and research by carer organisations and outlines twelve commitments to working carers such as support with balancing multiple roles, help to stay healthy and well, and access to support and information they might need.

Care Quality Commission Adult Social Care campaign 2018 #CareAware

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has launched a new national campaign, at the end of February aimed at raising awareness of CQC among people choosing adult social care, for themselves or others. CQC wants more people to be aware that if you are choosing home care or a care home, CQC can help you make that decision. CQC also wants to encourage more people to download its independent reports to compare options before choosing a care home.