Mental Health

Virtual Mental Health Awareness Workshops for Young People

manchester mindManchester Mind’s Young People’s Service Team can deliver Virtual Mental Health Awareness Sessions/Workshops free of charge via your preferred online platform e.g. zoom/teams for students and young people age 15-25 living in Manchester.

Events date: Tuesday 6, 13, 20 October (afternoon), online

The session aims to:

Join a community of leaders who are trying to adapt, innovate and do their best

ivarIVAR are running free 90 minute zoom sessions for up to 12 charity leaders at a time: ‘It’s good for mental wellbeing and to have the opportunity to talk and share with others in similar situations.’ You’ll hear how others are adapting to Covid-19 and have a safe space to offload any challenges you face: ‘I am able to share things that I can’t share with my Chair or staff’.

No Going Back: A New Report from Macc on Manchester's Voluntary Sector Response to the Covid-19 Crisis

No Going Back, Macc's latest report brings together the experiences of 22 local voluntary sector leaders who shine a light on the critical role that the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector has played during the response to the Covid-19 crisis. As well as reflecting on the lessons learned during the crisis, the leaders make the case for change going forward and highlight the unique opportunity society has to make things better in the future. Articles cover a diverse range of issues including: mental health; disability; community radio; funding; community centres; racism; sexual abuse; domestic violence; prisoners; commissioning; partnership; youth support; LGBT; and advice.

The Big Greater Manchester Mental Wellbeing Conversation

People who work and live in Greater Manchester are being asked to join a conversation about their mental wellbeing, to better understand what action is needed to improve mental wellbeing.

What it is: A simple survey for the population of Greater Manchester to fill out, about mental wellbeing. The survey is anonymous, and there is a prize draw that people can opt in to after completing the survey.

Why are we doing it: To find out key issues and opinions regarding mental wellbeing, and staying mentally well, across the region.

6 new pilot mental health support services commissioned to support BAME communities, in response to Covid-19

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership have commissioned six pilot mental health support services, in response to the impact of Covid-19 on BAME communities.

The six pilot services and their target beneficiaries are:

Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 – No Going Back

spirit story 2020

Are you a Manchester voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisation?

Would you like to share a story of your new everyday activity, as part of the 2020 Spirit of Manchester Story Week in September?

We are looking for 20 VCSE organisations to share their stories during the week of 21-25 September.

Advice Services from Manchester Mind

manchester mindManchester Mind is still here to help during this difficult time. While their face to face advice services are not currently available Manchester Mind are continuing to offer support via telephone and email.

Adult Advice Services
Manchester Mind provide free and impartial advice on welfare benefits, debt and housing to people with mental health needs living in Manchester.


Children and young people resource packs: starting or returning to school and college

mental health supportIssues and concerns about returning to school or college have been turned into resource packs of teaching materials, resources for young people and parents. They are a mixture of information leaflets, short films, advice and guidance, signposting to social prescribing activities etc. There are three packs: primary, secondary and further education – all packs include SEND specific materials where available.