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All Volunteering

Have your say on support services to help you

6 Apr 2022 - 09:16 by michelle.foster

Are you a voluntary or community group or a social enterprise in Manchester? Have your say on support services to help you!

have your sayManchester City Council and Manchester Health Care Commissioning have commissioned Forever Consulting to find out what support voluntary and community groups and social enterprises in Manchester need to deliver their work and achieve their goals.

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Step Up MCR Board and Advisory Panel opportunities

9 Mar 2022 - 13:35 by michelle.foster

Step Up MCR is the new place-based giving scheme for Manchester primarily focusing on the neighbourhoods of Ancoats and Beswick and Clayton and Openshaw.

Step Up MCR brings people together from within the community to maximise on our human potential, energy, skills, and resilience for the benefit of local people.

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2 Feb 2022 - 13:45 by michelle.foster

volunteersVolition is pleased to be expanding its services to Salford. Volition is a friendly charity that seeks to help unemployed people increase their employability through volunteering. Volition are taking on new people all the time and hold regular open days and information events.

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MVAP information and recruitment sessions

6 Jan 2022 - 11:55 by michelle.foster

mvapMVAP run 9-week training courses (sessions every Wednesday) teaching you how to give good quality advice on welfare benefits and housing, as well as assertiveness and communication skills.

The next sessions are running on: 1 February, 1pm at St. James Moss Side Church (95A Princess Rd, Manchester) and 9 February, 3.30pm at St Matthews Church (Cleveland Rd, Crumpsall, Manchester).

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First set of Vision for Volunteering workshops are open for sign-ups

28 Oct 2021 - 14:28 by michelle.foster

trainingThe Vision for Volunteering team has announced that their first workshops are now open for sign-ups. These workshops will help inform England’s Vision for Volunteering; a cross-sector consultation designed to develop a shared, actions-focused ambition for volunteering.

The consultation is led by NAVCA, NCVO, Volunteering Matters, the Association of Volunteer Managers, and Sport England.

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Home Community Café are recruiting Trustees

7 Oct 2021 - 11:20 by michelle.foster

home community cafeHome Community Café is a popular café and community space in the centre of Didsbury, located in the entrance of Emmanuel Church but a distinct registered charity. Home Community Café aims to provide welcome and belonging to all, and to strengthen the community through providing space for diverse activities that benefit individuals and groups.

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Coffee4Craig are recruiting trustees

30 Sep 2021 - 14:53 by michelle.foster

coffee 4 craigCoffee4Craig was founded in 2013 by Risha and Hendrix Lancaster following the death of Risha’s brother Craig White, who died of a heroin overdose whilst sleeping on the streets in Cardiff. Coffee4Craig was born in his memory and started as a simple idea that if you pass someone sleeping on the streets, buy them a coffee and say, 'This is from Craig'. From these beginnings, Coffee4Craig has continued to grow and develop.

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