Young People

ACT for YOUTH Campaign

Counter Terrorism Police have launched their first ever safety campaign aimed at children and teenagers, a version of Run Hide Tell, for 11 to 16 years olds, which they recommend should be taught in schools and colleges as part of the national curriculum.

The "run, hide, tell" advice promotes that people should first try to flee an attack - or alternatively find somewhere safe to hide - and then alert authorities, when it is safe to do so.

Goals, and help achieving them - Active Communities Network Story

Every Friday evening, the three astroturf pitches at the Manchester Tennis & Football Centre in Ancoats fill up with dozens of young men and boys playing 7-a-side football.

This club is run by Active Communities Network and it has grown very popular since starting in 2010, with between 50 and 80 young people attending each session. It is free and open to everyone between 14 and 21 years old.


New Work Placements Programme with the Challenge and Department of Education

The Challenge have recently been commissioned by the Department of Education to design and pilot a new model for student work placements, which the government is planning to roll out nationally as a mandatory requirement for all (~250,000) technical education students by 2020, as part of their newly proposed t-levels.

Domestic violence and abuse – You Tube resources for young people

As part of the ‘Delivering Differently’ strategic review of DV&A services, a seven typologies campaign was developed to reach different groups of people with communications relevant to them. Manchester City Council

One of these approaches involved working with young people with lived experience of DV&A via the Young People’s Support Foundation to co-design a campaign targeted to them and their peers.

UpRising Programmes: Environmental Leadership and Fastlaners Employability now open for applications

Know any budding young Greater Manchester leaders who want to learn from the experts and make real environmental change?
Or anyone unemployed, under-employed or working a zero-hour contract who needs a hand getting that dream job? UpRising

The UpRising Environmental Leadership Programme and Fastlaners Employability Programme are now open for applications.


Youth Buzz Awards 2017

Manchester City Council in partnership with Manchester Youth Council and sponsors are holding the first ever Youth Buzz Awards to celebrate the positive contributions that young people are making to the city. Youth Buzz awards

Nominations are now open for the first ever Youth Buzz Awards. Celebrating the positive work of young people across Manchester.


LandAid Grants Programme - apply to become a LandAid Charity Partner and for a grant of up to £75,000

LandAid's vision is a country where no young person is homeless. LandAid aims to bring about lasting change by helping tackle the causes of youth homelessness and contributing to the provision of safe supported housing for those who need it most. Landaid

LandAid award grants to outstanding projects on the ground that work to give young people the shelter and support they need.