Young People

Voice of the child literature review

As momentum gathers around integrated health and social care and children’s health and wellbeing, there are various calls for evidence around the voice of children and young people.

42nd Street with Youth Focus NW and Young Minds are aware of an awful lot of great work that has taken place over recent years to capture this voice and they are trying to gather this into one place and make some central sense of it to inform, amongst other things the GM commissioning framework for CAMHS and a broader charter around children and young people’s health and social care.

Manchester Safeguarding Boards Bulletin – June 2017

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) comprises the Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) and the Manchester Safeguarding Children Boards (MSCB). The Boards share an Independent Chair, Julia Stephens-Row; and are supported by the MSB Business Unit.

Greater Manchester Youth Network – Health Action Champions

Health Action Champions is a fantastic opportunity for people aged 16 – 21 to help improve young people’s health across Manchester. Greater Manchester Youth Network

You will get the chance to design and lead your own health awareness work, improve your knowledge of health and health services, and contribute to key discussions about health.

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) ‘Help Through Crisis’ Project

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) in partnership with Manchester Mind provides an advice/advocacy service for young people who identify as disabled and are in crisis. This often causes many young people to experience (or to have experienced) discrimination and barriers because they have impairments.

Transfer of Lifeline Services – Manchester

As you will be aware, Lifeline has been experiencing significant financial difficulties over the past few months. This has culminated in a position where in order to safeguard service provision, particularly for service users and to look after the interests of staff, Lifeline approached CGL to assist in a process that would ensure service continuity. change, grow, live

Safeguarding Children and Young People Vulnerable to Radicalisation and Extremism - Practice Guidance

The current threat from terrorism in the United Kingdom can involve the exploitation of vulnerable people, including children, young people and vulnerable adults to involve them in terrorism or activity in support of terrorism.

It is universally agreed that this exploitation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern.

This guidance is intended to provide a clear framework for all professionals working with children for whom there are concerns that they are at risk of becoming involved in violent extremist activity.

Alexandra Park Vigil

This vigil is to honour those we lost and those who are still affected by the Manchester terrorist attack on 22 May 2017.

You are kindly invited to the one month anniversary Vigil on Thursday 22 June, 7pm-9pm at Alexandra Park, 180 Russell Street, Moss Side, Manchester, M16 7JL. Come and gather, pay your respects and acknowledge these who we lost and who have suffered from the painful events which took place.