Young People

Fastlaners Employability Programme, March 2017 - Recruitment now open

Fastlaners is a free employability programme for young people living in Greater Manchester aged 18-25. It equips participants with the knowledge, networks, skills and confidence to improve their job prospects and find meaningful employment. It is ideally suited to young people who have some work experience and/or qualifications and are looking for support to turn their skills and passions into a job they love. Uprising Fastlaners


Rewriting the DNA of Health and Care (Episode IV: A New Hope?)

You know that game where you have to pick the people, living or dead, you’d most like to have round a dinner table? Being a bit of an ideas geek, I have a similar thing about who I’d like to hear speak at my dream conference. I’m lucky that I occasionally get to hear some brilliant speakers from the world of charities and social enterprises.

The Hedley Foundation

The Hedley Foundation's principal aim is 'to effect change for the better in the lives of young people'. The Foundation makes grants to UK registered charities working with young people in the areas of Recreation, Sport, Training, Health and Welfare, Support and outdoor Education of young people between the ages of 11 and 25. The Hedley Foundation

Team Future - Voices and Ambassadors

RECLAIM, a youth leadership and social change organisation that supports working class young people across Greater Manchester to end leadership inequality have a new campaign lead by their young people.

“Team Future is one of the most exciting and inspirational new movements in Britain today. If the UK has a future, it lies with young working class people organising and making their voices heard.”  Owen Jones We are #teamfuture

Greater Manchester Youth Network Great Manchester Run - places available

Fancy a challenge in 2017 whilst also helping Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) support disadvantaged young people? GMYN 10k run

Join Team GMYN and take part in either the Great Manchester 10k or Half Marathon run, on Sunday 28 May 2017 in Manchester City Centre.

There are two ways to get yourself signed up:


Short Breaks for Children and Young People with a Disability Manchester City Council approved providers list

Manchester City Council is seeking to have a number of providers on an Approved list who can deliver a range of different options for short break services to children and young people with a disability. Manchester City Council

These are categorised under four headings:
• Lot 1 - Personal Care Assistance Services
• Lot 2 - Sitting Services
• Lot 3 - Befriending/Outreach Services
• Lot 4 - Sessional Recreation Activities

Call for interest: Celebration of Innovation 2017 - Resources for Manchester's Youth Sector

Now in its third year the Celebration of Innovation event recognises the vast array of knowledge and skills that Manchester's Youth Sector offers and brings together resources designed Celebration of innovationto aid work with young people and organisational productivity. The event aims to be a participatory experience with attendees having the opportunity to learn about a host of different resources whilst also workshopping emerging ones.


Young Carers Awareness Day

Young Carers Awareness Day is on 26 January 2017. This day is aimed at recognising the hard work young carers do and how caring for their sick brother, disabled mother, dad, sister or friend can have a huge impact in their lives There are about 700.000 young carers in UK who without proper support, would not cope. Carers Trust

This year's theme is 'When I grow up' and it's all about helping young carers to achieve their dream jobs or career.
