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Manchester City Council – City Centre Public Space Protection Order Consultation

15 Feb 2019 - 10:04 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are consulting with the public on a city centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to address a number of issues that are being reported to the Council and the Police. Proposals have been drawn up following evidence-gathering and listening to the concerns of people and businesses about their experiences in the city centre. Manchester City Council

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GM Poverty Action: Principal Partners; Holiday Hunger; Real Change Rochdale; GM Living Wage, Campaign for Better Transport

1 Feb 2019 - 10:49 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter Greater Manchester Poverty Action are delighted to share information about their current Principal Partners. In advance of the GM Food Poverty Alliance Action Plan Launch, Tom shares some data collected in a survey last year by GMPA and Greater Together Manchester about Holiday Hunger in GM. Real Change Rochdale was launched earlier this month and there is a feature article about this fund.

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Office for Civil Society update: Preparing for EU Exit

31 Jan 2019 - 11:40 by michelle.foster

The Office for Civil Society (OCS) is here to support civil society during the process of EU exit. OCS want to ensure the sector has access to all of the information the government has made available on preparing for EU exit. OCS also want to ensure that civil society sector organisations have an opportunity to let the government know any views or concerns it may have. Office for Civil Society

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Building Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester: New Report and Briefings

25 Jan 2019 - 10:52 by michelle.foster

Ambition for Ageing have launched a new report Building Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester. Ambition for Ageing has found out what makes an age-friendly neighbourhood in Greater Manchester from over 3,000 older people. The findings have been released as a report, Building Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester and two briefings: Ambition for Ageing

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Infrastructure Co-design Session Information and consultation

18 Jan 2019 - 11:44 by michelle.foster

Many of you will already be aware of and have participated in Manchester City Council (MCC) and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning’s (MHCC), joint review of their Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) infrastructure contracts held with Macc that took place earlier this year. The purpose of undertaking the joint review was to provide feedback on the existing services to inform the next steps and future infrastructure contract.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter: Universal Credit - more to do; GMPA Training courses; Launch of Food Poverty action plan; Feeding the city

18 Jan 2019 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

In Greater Manchester Poverty Action’s (GMPA) latest newsletter Graham Whitham comments on the recent announcements about Universal Credit. More details are now available about Greater Manchester Food Poverty Alliance’s Action Plan launch in March. Greater Manchester Poverty Action

GMPA also have more courses on Understanding Poverty Data and dates in the diary for two different courses later in the year.

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Launch of the Food Poverty Action Plan for Greater Manchester

18 Jan 2019 - 10:42 by michelle.foster

The Greater Manchester Food Poverty Alliance have been producing the Food Poverty Action Plan for Greater Manchester and they would like to invite you to the launch event, to celebrate how far they've come in co-producing this plan, and to start working together to make it a reality.

The plan will contain many actions about the role the VCSE sector can play in tackling food poverty, and the need for a joined-up response between different sectors.

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Give your views on local police funding by 27 January 2019

18 Jan 2019 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

Funding for the police comes both directly from central government and also a proportion of your council tax. Greater Manchester Combined Authority

About 80% of the funding for the police comes in a grant from the government, and the Mayor is responsible for setting the amount of council tax that local households pay for the police.

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