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All Policy and Influence

Two weeks to go to be part of Manchester’s Spirit Story

2 Sep 2016 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

Spirit Story is a week-long campaign taking place from 19-23 September that will document the extraordinary everyday work of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester. Over 30 organisations are now involved but there is still time for your organisation to sign up.

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Antisocial behaviour policy and procedure consultation

2 Sep 2016 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are in the process of developing a new antisocial behaviour policy and procedure.

The City Council welcome your views regarding their approach to tackling antisocial behaviour and encourage you to contribute to the shaping of the policy and procedure by completing this short questionnaire.

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Consultation: The Manchester Residential Quality Guidance – the guidance for building new homes in Manchester

26 Aug 2016 - 10:53 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are writing a new ‘Residential Quality Guidance’. This is a guide for developers and architects that sets out the kind of new homes wanted in Manchester.

The City Council think it’s important to have their own guidance, specific to Manchester, to get the kind of homes that Mancunians want, that suit the city.

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Be part of Manchester’s Spirit Story

24 Aug 2016 - 15:22 by michelle.foster

Last week we launched Sprit Story, a week-long campaign taking place in September that will document the extraordinary everyday stories of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester. We have already had a great response so please contact us to make sure your organisation is involved!

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Inclusive Growth - Opportunities and Challenges for Greater Manchester

23 Aug 2016 - 11:55 by helen.walker

The first report from the Inclusive Growth Analysis Unit sets out the current picture of economic growth, inequality and poverty in Greater Manchester, and the potential that pursuing inclusive growth could bring. It also sets out the challenges to achieveing this such as persistant levels of poverty, a need for a stronger skills base and also asks if a 'more of the same' approach can really make the difference needed.

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Watch the announcement of the winner of our Spirit of Manchester 2016 Best Community Space Award

18 Aug 2016 - 09:09 by michelle.foster

On Thursday 18 August 2016 we announced the winner for our Spirit of Manchester 2016 Best Community Space Award – congratulations to Growing in the City!

This is the first year of the Best Community Space award and we decided that you the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester should decide the winner. We are delighted that over 700 votes were cast in our online vote.

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Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board Annual report 2015/16 – an opportunity to showcase your work in the report

16 Aug 2016 - 09:21 by michelle.foster

Manchester's Safeguarding Adults Board is collating its Annual Report 2015/16 to evidence how partners across Manchester have worked together to safeguard adults at risk in our community. Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board are offering you the opportunity to share examples of your work over this period so that it can be showcased within the report.

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Our Manchester: VCS Funding Workshops

5 Aug 2016 - 10:45 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is inviting voluntary and community sector groups in the city to one of a series of three workshops to start discussions on a new approach to supporting the voluntary sector in Manchester. An approach tied to the Our Manchester strategy and which supports ambitious plans to radically improve the health and wellbeing of Manchester residents.

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