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All Policy and Influence

Write to your heroine and correct the balance of history, in new Manchester-based letter-writing project

5 Feb 2016 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

‘Dear Friend’ is a letter-writing project celebrating women in public life and in struggles for liberation. It's launching on 8 March as part of Wonder Women Manchester 2016, with events at Central Library and People’s History Museum.

Everyone is invited to write a letter or postcard to a woman - living or dead - who has had an influence on their lives. Letters will be digitised, transcribed, and displayed a website and the aim is to hold an exhibition later this year.

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horizon - a free online tool for data on youth social action in the UK

27 Jan 2016 - 09:41 by michelle.foster

Across the UK, millions of young people choose to make a difference in their community through social action — whether by campaigning against climate change, mentoring a peer who's struggling at school, starting a social enterprise, or fundraising for a cause they are passionate about.

horizon is a free digital mapping tool to enable any organisation to access data on youth social action programmes. The goal is to make it easy for schools, local authorities, third sector organisations and funders to discover what youth social action is taking place in their region

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Manchester City Council draft budget details and savings options published

22 Jan 2016 - 10:44 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has published details of options to make £13.8m of savings in its budget for 2016/17.

The Council’s financial position, and approach to addressing it, is set out in a series of reports which will be considered at scrutiny meetings this month and a special Executive meeting on 17 February before a final budget is set in March.

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Market position statement update – give your feedback

22 Jan 2016 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

In the coming weeks Manchester City Council plan to refresh their Market Position Statement (MPS), which is intended to help identify what the future demand for care and support in Manchester might look like, to outline their commissioning intentions, and to help improve the experience of working with Manchester City Council.

The current edition of the MPS can be found here: www.manchester.gov.uk/downloads/download/5544/market_position_statement

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Introduction to Beacon Counselling Trust Provider Event

22 Jan 2016 - 10:37 by michelle.foster

The Commissioning Hub at Manchester City Council are facilitating an awareness raising event for a charity organisation called Beacon Counselling Trust who are commissioned by GamCare (www.gamcare.org.uk) to deliver support for individuals with gambling addiction/problems, as well as those affected by gambling.

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Review of Manchester City Council's Equality Funding Programme

21 Dec 2015 - 16:35 by Nigel Rose

Macc and Manchester City Council have jointly written a Review of Manchester City Council's Equality Funding Programme 2013/14 to 2015/16. It covers both how funded organisations met the objectives of the fund and how the fund was set-up, managed and monitored. Its full of examples of the work that funded groups carried out and highlights a number of issues that a future funding programme would need to address.

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Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester

18 Dec 2015 - 16:06 by Nigel Rose

7 local pharmaceutical committees have come together to establish the Greater Manchester Pharmacy provider company. This is a vehicle for holding contracts and has been set up by Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester (CPGM). Community Pharmacy is a key part of integration plans for Health and Social Care services. Download more details here.

CPGM's 5 point plan is:

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The Way Forward - Proposals to maintain the effectiveness of Manchester's VCSE Sector

18 Dec 2015 - 15:20 by Nigel Rose

The Way Forward - a set of proposals to maintain the effectiveness of Manchester's Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector was launched at Manchester's Voluntary Sector Assembly on 10th December by Fergal McCullough, Chief Executive of The Men's Room.

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