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Creating a future beyond the Work Capability Assessment

20 Nov 2015 - 10:47 by michelle.foster

Following consultation with disability organisations, Ekklesia is conducting a survey of people with mental or physical health conditions in order to design a replacement for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). Ekklesia consider the WCA to be too flawed and broken to be satisfactorily fixed. It needs replacing, and the people best able to do this are those who are affected by long term illness.

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Parasol - Research Initiative on domestic violence, labour exploitation and the impact of criminal or exploitative networks

6 Nov 2015 - 11:30 by michelle.foster

Parasol is a new research initiative that is investigating the challenges facing young European nationals in Greater Manchester who are aged 13 -25 years and are at risk of serious exploitation, discrimination or abuse.

There are 3 main areas for the research:
1. Domestic Abuse and Violence
2. Labour Exploitation and Discrimination (including Gang-Masters)
3. Impact of Criminal and other exploitative networks - including trafficking and modern slavery, drugs and sex trades

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Manchester Met Community Research Awards

30 Oct 2015 - 10:51 by michelle.foster

Manchester Met University are launching the Community Research Awards.

Manchester Met University have funding for up to four research projects to work in partnership with local community groups in the Manchester Local Authority area.

Through the scheme, Manchester Met University can provide you with an experienced researcher who can help develop the scope for research in your organisation and then carry out that research for you.

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Mental Health in Manchester

29 Oct 2015 - 13:16 by Mike Wild

There’s a report in today’s Manchester Evening News which tells about further massive cuts to mental health services in Manchester and that the Manchester Health and Social Care Trust is expected to close down completely.

Manchester Strategy - consultation

23 Oct 2015 - 11:01 by michelle.foster

How do we make Manchester the best it can be up to 2025? The Manchester Leader Forum have drafted strategy with help from many groups and they would like your views and ideas.

The Manchester Leaders Forum, which has developed the Manchester strategy, will oversee the development of a detailed shorter term plan that will identify actions to support the overall aims. Key organisations and individuals across the city, from the public and voluntary sectors, from businesses and the arts all have a part to play.

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Living Longer Living Better Newsletter

21 Oct 2015 - 15:16 by Nigel Rose

The second newsletter of the Living Longer, Living Better programme is now available. Living Longer, Living Better is the Health and Social Care integration strategy for Manchester. The key project is the development of One Team - 12 patch-based integrated health and social care teams. The project is supported by a practitioner design team and the newsletter gives updates on each of the project work-streams.

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