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Working with Manchester Commissioners

7 Apr 2015 - 16:42 by Nigel Rose

Manchester City Council have  published their Market Position Statement for Care and Support 2015/16 and anyone with an interest in the future of care and support in Manchester should read it. Manchester's aim is "to forge a new relationship with its partners to benefit all who need care". The Market Position Statement describes the commissioning approach, the context for commissioning and some of the key issues that Manchester needs to address.

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A new home for Macc and a venue for the local voluntary and community sector – survey results

1 Apr 2015 - 10:24 by michelle.foster

Like many other local groups Macc is determined to ensure that it continues to operate in the city and that we meet the current and future needs of the sector as efficiently and effectively as possible. We are currently investigating opportunities to re-locate our offices through the potential transfer of assets from Manchester City Council.

During February 2015 Macc undertook an extensive survey to gather important views and opinions from our members, customers and stakeholders. 266 groups and individuals participated through an online questionnaire, focus groups and interviews.

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Reports relating to investigations into abuse in children’s homes and schools and investigations into NHS establishments

1 Apr 2015 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

Investigations into abuse in children’s homes and schools from the Department for Education
This is a statement regarding investigations relating to Jimmy Savile and a number of children’s homes and schools in England. Click here to read the report

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Jobs Open Data Challenge - How can we use open data to help people get better jobs or create new jobs?

20 Mar 2015 - 12:37 by michelle.foster

Nesta and the Open Data Institute are running an open data challenge on the theme of jobs. They are inviting teams to develop products and services which answer the question: How can we use open data to help people get better jobs or create new jobs?

The Jobs Open Data Challenge invites startups, established businesses, social enterprises, community groups and individuals to build products and services using open data which help people get better jobs or create new jobs.

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Office of the Children’s Commissioner Report - ‘If it’s not better, it’s not the end’ Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation

18 Mar 2015 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

‘If it’s not better, it’s not the end’ Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
in Gangs and Groups: one year on report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner is a follow up to the ‘If only someone had listened’ inquiry into CSE in groups and gangs, in which the OCC recommended the implementation of the See Me, Hear Me framework.

This report documents the progress made by government, LSCBs and police forces in tackling CSE in the last year.

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It Could Be You

12 Mar 2015 - 16:19 by john.butler

“It Could Be You”, is a campaign that aims to tackle attempts by politicians and many in the media to create division between so called “strivers and scroungers”. Their aim is to demonise people who are receiving sickness benefits, in order to justify the unfair and inhuman treatment of disabled people, through the use of a deeply flawed assessment process known as the “Work Capability Assessment” (WCA).

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Football team wanted by Manchester Oxfam group

6 Mar 2015 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

A football team of 11 players committed to losing a match against a single player is wanted by Oxfam, despite your skills! Reason: your legs will be tied together with scarves.

The match will be used to make a short film to illustrate inequality, and how the huge majority of poor people in the UK and the world are disadvantaged in life by taxes, prices, low pay, for example, while the very few wealthy people get richer because of the power they wield.

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New mental health guidance published

13 Feb 2015 - 11:23 by john.butler

NHS England has set out guidance for how new access and waiting time standards for mental health services are to be introduced.
In October, NHS England and the Department of Health announced the measures in Improving better access to mental health services by 2020.
NHS England’s guidance, out today for CCGs, explains the case for change in four areas and sets out the expectations of local commissioners for delivery during the year ahead working with providers and other partners.

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Devolution, Our Devolution: Perspectives on the Meaning of Devolution for Voluntary and Community Groups

9 Feb 2015 - 11:33 by michelle.foster

Devolution in England is happening now. Voluntary Sector North West want the voluntary and community sector to play a key role in developing the thinking around what a good model of devolution looks like and how it could work best for communities.

This report contains thirteen different perspectives from across the North West and further afield to give food for thought on what devolution could mean and the role of the sector.

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Roma Consultation Forum for Manchester

9 Feb 2015 - 11:30 by michelle.foster

The MigRom project in partnership with Manchester City Council is working toward setting up the ‘Roma Consultation Forum for Manchester’.

The MigRom project (‘The immigration of Romanian Roma to western Europe: Causes, effects and future engagement strategies’) was launched in the spring of 2013 for a four-year period with funding from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework research programme.

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