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Manchester City Council consultation launched on 2015-17 budget options – deadline 18 Feb 2014

27 Nov 2014 - 09:38 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has launched the main consultation on its 2015-17 budget options, along with a number of individual consultations on specific elements.

Options for consultation were agreed by the council’s Executive on Wednesday 26 November.

They aim to address an estimated funding shortfall of £59m in 2015/16, potentially rising to £90 million in 2016/17.

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Youth and Play Budget Options Briefings

25 Nov 2014 - 09:36 by michelle.foster

More information on the Voluntary Sector Cuts available here.

Manchester City Council (MCC) are facilitating a number of briefings regarding the Youth and Play Budget Options during the week beginning 8 December 2014.

There will be 3 events across the city at different times and locations to ensure you have various opportunities to attend.

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Consultation on proposed changes to the English Indices of Deprivation

21 Nov 2014 - 10:17 by michelle.foster

The Indices of Deprivation 2010 provide a relative measure of deprivation for small areas (Lower-layer Super Output Areas) across England. The Index of Multiple Deprivation combines indices for the following seven different domains of deprivation:
• Income deprivation
• Employment deprivation
• Education, skills and training deprivation
• Health deprivation and disability
• Crime
• Barriers to housing and services
• Living environment deprivation

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Manchester CAB petition to Manchester City Council to reconsider their proposals to cut funding to advice services and the VCS

21 Nov 2014 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

Manchester Citizens Advice Bureau are calling on Manchester City Council to reconsider their proposals to cut funding to advice services and to instead provide a level of funding that will meet the needs of the people of Manchester.

Manchester City Council announced its proposed budget cuts for 2015/2016 on 12 November.

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Child Sexual Exploitation Review - Opportunity for VCS groups to contribute

17 Nov 2014 - 16:02 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has commissioned an independent review of arrangements for dealing with Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).

It will be conducted by Sheila Taylor of the National Working Group.

The aim of the review is to identify where things are working well and what needs to be improved.

Sheila is keen to ensure that the voluntary and community sector have input into the review.

Discussions will focus on your understanding, experiences and approaches to CSE

The event will be on 8 December at Manchester Town Hall.

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Today We Are Angry, Tomorrow We Must Talk

12 Nov 2014 - 15:23 by Mike Wild

A lot of people in the local voluntary sector are going to be very angry today. They’re going to feel threatened, undervalued, rejected and hopeless. The Council’s budget proposals will make horrible reading for many people who’ve been working very hard for a long time to make a difference in the city. For some groups this will mean cuts to services and activities. For many it will mean many job losses – the sector is an employer too, after all. For some this may be the last straw and we may see the end of a number of organisations that have made a great contribution to the city.

Manchester City Council budget cuts and options for consultation

12 Nov 2014 - 09:39 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council have released the following information on their budget cuts:

‘The Council’s difficult financial situation has seen us make £250million of cuts in the last few years.

This year our overall budget is just over £560m.

The latest financial indications from the government show further reductions are required. The Council has therefore produced options to address an estimated funding shortfall of £59m in 2015/16, possibly rising to £91 million in 2016/17.

Since 2010 the amount we have to spend on services has dropped by over 40%.

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Voluntary Youth Manchester Campaign to keep the Youth Fund

11 Nov 2014 - 15:51 by michelle.foster

Voluntary Youth Manchester (VYM) is running a campaign to retain the youth fund for the benefit of young people and the VCS organisations that work with them.

Write to your local Councillor
You will be aware that Manchester City Council is facing another round of massive cuts to its budget over the next two years, and that youth services in the city have already faced savage, disproportionate cuts since 2010-11, leaving funding for direct delivery at a mere 13% of what it was only 4 years ago.

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Consultation on Welfare Provision Closes 21st November

6 Nov 2014 - 09:20 by john.butler

 Parts of the Department for Work and Pensions’ discretionary Social Fund, introduced in 1987, were abolished by the Welfare Reform Act 2012. This paved the way for the delivery of new local welfare provision by local authorities, replacing Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans. In Manchester this amounts to 2.7M per annum.
The DWP decided that this funding would cease from May 2014 however this decision was challenged in a judicial review (supported by CPAG) which resulted in a ruling that the DWP had to carry out a consultation process. 

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