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Introducing the Spirit of Manchester Festival

31 Jul 2014 - 13:40 by Mike Wild

One of the things I love most about working in the voluntary sector is that if you have a really good idea you can generally find a way to make it happen. It might take a while – things like our State of the Sector and Civil Economy work were on my wishlist for years before we were finally able to publish the finished work. But sometimes you can be taken by surprise at how fast you can go from the idea to it actually happening.

NCVO's national survey on the voluntary and community sector's resilience to severe weather

29 Jul 2014 - 12:22 by michelle.foster

People experiencing poverty and disadvantage are often the most affected by severe weather such as heat waves and flooding. Severe weather is likely to occur more often with a changing climate, increasing the demand for voluntary and community sector services.

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Developing Macc’s Approach to Equalities and Human Rights

8 Jul 2014 - 14:06 by michelle.foster

Macc has been reviewing our work around equalities and human rights, both as part of the provision of Manchester City Council’s infrastructure for Manchester’s voluntary and community sector and as part of Macc’s work and our organisational aims and objectives.

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Alcohol Services Consultation

4 Jul 2014 - 12:13 by john.butler

Manchester City Council’s Public Health team is currently looking at how alcohol early intervention and treatment services are delivered within the city. They are looking at how the whole system can be redesigned, following a review earlier this year that identified ways the current system could be improved.

They want to take into account the opinions and views of a range of people. This includes current and ex-service users and their carers, people involved in providing alcohol services, providers of other services in the city, and members of the public with an interest.

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Work Capability Assessment Call for Evidence

30 Jun 2014 - 16:49 by john.butler

The Department for Work and Pensions has appointed Dr Paul Litchfield to undertake the fifth independent review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA), This is the final statutory independent review of the WCA, as required by section 10 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007.

Information about the call for evidence can be found here http://tinyurl.com/nhff9dm

Who this call for evidence is aimed at

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Help shape alcohol services

27 Jun 2014 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are looking for your views on alcohol early intervention and treatment services, to help them decide how to improve them.

These services help people understand how alcohol affects them and those around them and they help people manage, reduce or stop drinking. A quarter of Manchester's adults could be drinking to risky levels.

The survey asks what you think is important in these services and asks how these services should be delivered, and what results you think are important.

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Community Safety Consultation

26 Jun 2014 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

Manchester's Community Safety Partnership is in the process of refreshing its strategy to tackle crime and disorder across Manchester. A number of priorities have been identified and the Partnership is keen to consult with voluntary and community sector organisations to ensure that these priorities meet local needs and concerns.

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