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Manchester groups asked to participate in short safeguarding survey for Manchester Safeguarding Children Board

12 May 2014 - 11:26 by michelle.foster

Manchester Safeguarding Children's Board (MSCB) is keen to understand how much people who work with children and young people know about safeguarding in order to understand if there are any areas where further information and training is needed across the City. They are asking groups from the public and voluntary sector to select a small number of staff (3-5) who work with children and young people to undertake a short survey about safeguarding within their organisations.

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Changes in EU Procurement Rules

9 May 2014 - 10:50 by Nigel Rose

The 2014 EU Procurement Directives were adopted by the EU on 28 March 2014 and the UK government is intending to put them into operation in the UK as quickly as possible. Manchester City Council and other public bodies are beginning to assess their impact. The new rules remove the distinction between Part A and Part B procurement and are intended, on the whole, to open up the market, especially to small and medium enterprises.

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Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Bad (Part 2)

7 May 2014 - 14:03 by Nigel Rose

Nigel Rose, Strategic Lead (Commissioning) has published the second part of his two-part blog which proposes a solution to the thorny problem of including evidence of past performance in decision-making about funding. How can we ensure that organisations that perform well continue to be funded and those that are perform badly are decommissioned?

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A Civil Economy for Manchester

6 May 2014 - 10:32 by Mike Wild

Could Manchester be Europe’s answer to America’s hippest city - Portland, Oregon?

Manchester has enjoyed solid economic success, there is now an opportunity for a ‘new wave’ to Manchester’s future. A new report A Civil Economy for Manchester, prepared for Macc by the think-do tank the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) demonstrates how this new wave is about unleashing the power of citizens, social and voluntary group.

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Joint Statement from Macc and VYM on Youth and Play Services Evaluation

28 Apr 2014 - 16:23 by Nigel Rose

Macc, together with VYM and Manchester City Council jointly carried out an evaluation of Manchester City Council's Youth and Play Services Commissioning (2014/15) which has, as yet, not been published. The statement explains the position of Macc and VYM who want to see the evaluation published as soon as possible, and the steps that have been agreed with Manchester City Council to make this happen.

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Guest Blog: Livelihoods and VCS Assets

23 Apr 2014 - 19:35 by Mike Wild

I've not added anything to my blog for ages - lots of ideas but no time to write them up properly! Anyway, I'm delighted to be posting this guest blog by Katy Goldstraw, Manchester Met Student. Katy is currently working on a PhD thesis on the impact of austerity on the voluntary sector and is working with Macc to talk to local groups and share her findings. You can access her research here http://bearingwitnessadultsocialcarevcsmanchester.wordpress.com/



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Manchester Leaders Forum

3 Apr 2014 - 14:15 by michelle.foster

Macc has been asked to put forward a number of equalities representatives for the new Manchester Leaders Forum.

Manchester Leaders Forum
This Forum provides strategic leadership to the wider partnership on the delivery of the city’s priorities of growth, people and place as set out in the Community Strategy. Members of the Forum will be leaders in their field who are motivated to work together to drive forward the city’s priorities and to provide leadership to the wider partnership.

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Understanding Social Value: A guide for local Compacts and the voluntary sector

25 Mar 2014 - 16:03 by michelle.foster

Compact Voice has published a new guide, which provides an easy-to-understand overview of social value and the Public Services (Social Value) Act.

The briefing covers topics, including:

• What social value is and how to demonstrate it
• What is covered by the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
• Requirements for local authorities
• Creating a social value strategy
• How social value and the Compact relate to each other

Kate Green MP supports Manchester students’ rough sleeping stunt to help asylum seekers

18 Mar 2014 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

Kate Green MP braved the cold of Oxford Road on Friday night to join Manchester University students who were sleeping rough in the city to raise awareness of the thousands of asylum seekers living hungry and homeless in Britain.

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