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All Policy and Influence

EU Referendum – Register to vote

23 May 2016 - 11:25 by michelle.foster

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to have your say on whether the UK remains in or leaves the European Union.

Registering to vote is easy. You can register to vote online in just a few minutes using a simple form. You’ll need to provide your National Insurance number, your date of birth and your address. If you’re not already registered, you need to register to vote by 7 June, or you’ll miss out. Register now at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

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RECLAIM Built By The Working Class Campaign

6 May 2016 - 10:23 by michelle.foster

This week RECLAIM has launched a Built By The Working Class campaign.

This country was built by the people who worked in its factories, shipyards, and mines; who fought its wars; built its roads and houses; and paid its taxes. The working class has a proud history of strength, resilience and hard work.

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Greater Manchester Law Centre (steering group) Consultation

6 May 2016 - 10:12 by michelle.foster

A community law centre in Moss Side? Greater Manchester Law Centre want to hear your voices and are holding two meetings to consult members of the local community about opening a community law centre in Moss Side that will offer free legal advice and representation.

Meeting one
16 May 2016, 6.30pm-8.30pm at St James Church, 95A Princess Rd, Manchester, M14 4TH

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Research Project looking at wasted resources in the city – we need your views

27 Apr 2016 - 10:26 by michelle.foster

We are currently working with a group of students from University of Manchester to look at wasted resources in the city. Could you help by completing our questionnaire?

We are looking to set up a way businesses can register their 'waste' unused assets, which will then be donated to a deserving community member or group.

The questionnaire won't take long to complete and all informationgiven will be treated as confidential and no individual responses (from named individuals or organisations) will be disclosed without permission.

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Almanac 2016: The latest data on the voluntary sector

15 Apr 2016 - 10:34 by michelle.foster

NCVO has launched the 15th edition of the UK Civil Society Almanac, once again providing a comprehensive overview of facts and figures related to the voluntary sector.

NCVO principally use charities’ accounts to estimate the sector’s finances, as well as survey data to understand rates of volunteering and the sector’s workforce.

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Consultation on new Devolution powers for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority

1 Apr 2016 - 10:56 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester has led the way on ‘devolution agreements’ that move decision-making on crucial public services like local transport, housing, health and skills training closer to local people.

Greater Manchester made the UK’s first English ‘devolution deals’ with central government in 2014, March and July 2015, and March 2016, showing how Greater Manchester’s 2.8 million people could benefit from a new kind of local control of vital aspects of their region’s life, economy and future.

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Centre for Local Economic Strategies Learning Events

31 Mar 2016 - 16:59 by Nigel Rose

The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) have just announced a new programme of learning events and think times. All the events draw directly on CLES’ experiences supporting localities across the UK to deliver the best possible social, economic and environmental outcomes, as well as their comprehensive knowledge of European, national and local policy agendas.

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Chancellor’s Funding Boost for Women’s Charities

31 Mar 2016 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

Charities across Greater Manchester that support women offenders and those at risk of offending are celebrating after being awarded £375,000. Greater Manchester Women Offenders Alliance made a bid for money from the Governments £12 million ‘Tampon Tax’ Fund, which is an amount equivalent to VAT receipts from sanitary products each year.

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