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Team Future - Voices and Ambassadors

3 Feb 2017 - 11:14 by cheryl.mcalister

RECLAIM, a youth leadership and social change organisation that supports working class young people across Greater Manchester to end leadership inequality have a new campaign lead by their young people.

“Team Future is one of the most exciting and inspirational new movements in Britain today. If the UK has a future, it lies with young working class people organising and making their voices heard.”  Owen Jones We are #teamfuture

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Disabled Peoples Manifesto and GM Mayoral Hustings

3 Feb 2017 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) has drafted a Disabled Peoples Manifesto. GMCDP’s intention is to present the Manifesto at a hustings of the main Mayoral candidates in April 2017, more details to follow once a date and venue has been confirmed. Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People

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Hate Crime Awareness Week 2017 – Calendar of events

1 Feb 2017 - 15:36 by michelle.foster

Hate Crime Awareness Week 2017 is taking place from Monday 6 - Sunday 12 February with over 40 events taking place across the city. Let's end hate crime

This annual event, now in its fifth year supports voluntary organisations to hold events to raise awareness of hate crime in Manchester, encourage reporting, promote community cohesion and celebrate diversity.

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Our Manchester: A Stocktake of assets used by people with a Learning Disability in Manchester

17 Jan 2017 - 10:45 by michelle.foster

Our Manchester: A stocktake of assets used by people with a Learning Disability survey is part of a partnership between Macc and Breakthrough UK. Recent conversations with people with a Learning Disability have highlighted the difficulties they can experience in finding out what services and activities are available in their local area.

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Our latest data sets and new grants data coming soon

12 Jan 2017 - 16:07 by michelle.foster

Our latest data sets on our work with voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations and volunteers is now available on our website here: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/policy-and-influence/open-data

We recently awarded grants to applicants to our Mental Health Grants Programme and will be realising the data on our Open data page soon.

The Mental Health Grants Programme is provided by NHS North, Central and South Manchester CCGs and administered by Macc.

Consultation: funding for voluntary and community sector organisations in Manchester

11 Jan 2017 - 09:17 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council fund many voluntary and community sector organisations. They’re an important part of the city providing care, support and help to Manchester people. Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council wants to make sure they get the best value for money, and provide that money in a way that helps organisations to do good work.

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Policy Trends in 2016

9 Jan 2017 - 16:41 by Nigel Rose

This briefing is a humorous (we hope) summary of some of the key trends that Macc’s Policy and Influence team have spotted during the last year that we think will impact on Manchester’s Voluntary Sector over the next year. It is not comprehensive by any means and we apologise for all the really important and vital stuff that we’ve missed out.

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Have your final say on the Council’s budget for 2017-2020

6 Jan 2017 - 14:52 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is consulting further on its budget for 2017-2020. There are now firm proposals with £30million of savings needed. But changes can still be made and the Council is inviting final comments and questions until 10 February, ahead of finally setting the budget in March.

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Help make Greater Manchester GREATER

6 Jan 2017 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

People across Greater Manchester are being invited to help shape the region’s strategy for the next 20 years.

Greater Manchester’s ambition is to create a self-reliant, prosperous city-region. One which is safe, strong and secure. The Police and Crime Plan is about cutting crime and antisocial behaviour, protecting vulnerable people and maintaining public safety, whilst putting the needs of victims at the heart.

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