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Street parties planned to remember murdered MP Jo Cox

24 Feb 2017 - 09:50 by michelle.foster

Thousands of street parties, picnics and baking competitions will be held on 17 and 18 June to remember MP Jo Cox, a year after she was murdered. The Greate Get Together

Her widower Brendan said the UK-wide event, called The Great Get Together, would be a "fitting tribute" to the mother-of-two who died on 16 June 2016.

Her murder was "designed to divide our country" so uniting in this way would be "a powerful statement", he added.

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Rewriting the DNA of Health and Care (Episode IV: A New Hope?)

23 Feb 2017 - 11:50 by Mike Wild

You know that game where you have to pick the people, living or dead, you’d most like to have round a dinner table? Being a bit of an ideas geek, I have a similar thing about who I’d like to hear speak at my dream conference. I’m lucky that I occasionally get to hear some brilliant speakers from the world of charities and social enterprises.

Older Peoples message to the Greater Manchester Mayoral Candidates

16 Feb 2017 - 11:44 by michelle.foster

A group of older people across Greater Manchester have drafted up key messages to present to Mayoral Candidates. Today they’ve released two films documenting their questions, requests and ideas which focus on the big issues including health, transport, homes and democracy.

The short films made by and featuring members of the Greater Manchester Older Peoples Network talk about their views and hopes for an age friendly Greater Manchester. The scale of the task to unite the 10 districts of Greater Manchester was highlighted as a concern.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter - 15 February 2017

16 Feb 2017 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

This issue includes a report on 30 years of food banking in the USA and considers what can be learnt from their experience; Work and Wages series of articles, this time looking at the need to look for creative answers to the job market, the GM Housing Providers Poverty Issue news, which provides a brief update on homelessness and shares information about free training courses on energy awareness, as well as the usual forthcoming local events.

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter

9 Feb 2017 - 11:35 by michelle.foster

GM Poverty Action have released their latest newsletter. This issue continues the Work and Wages series of articles, this time looking at care workers; GM Poverty Action report on End Child Poverty’s recent coverage of benefit freezes and poverty premiums, share information about a new initiative in Stockport, as well as the usual forthcoming local events. Greater Manchester Poverty Action

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Citizens Economic Council Workshops

7 Feb 2017 - 16:11 by michelle.foster

Opinion Research Services are looking to recruit members of the public who are willing to take part in the Citizens’ Economic Council – a series of up to five day long workshops about the future of the economy.

The first workshop is taking place in Manchester town centre on Saturday 11 February 2017 at 10.30am.

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Macc's response to the Our Manchester VCS Funding Consultation - Why choose the Manchester wide option?

6 Feb 2017 - 15:28 by michelle.foster

In 2011 Manchester took the decision to address the fragmented VCSE infrastructure in the city by combining it into a single body. Effectively this arrangement has only been in place since 2012 and has already been re-tendered once (where Macc was the successful bidder).

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