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The Benefit Cap in Manchester - Briefing note for staff and partners

14 Dec 2016 - 14:29 by michelle.foster

This note is intended for frontline staff and managers within Council services and partner organisations, who may be supporting or likely to support Manchester households due to be affected by changes to the Benefit Cap. This note provides background information and sources of support to assist staff.

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New Report - Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2016

7 Dec 2016 - 09:46 by helen.walker

The latest annual Monitoring poverty and social exclusion report, comissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and compiled by the New Policy Institute, brings together the most recent data to present a comprehensive picture of poverty in the UK. The report showed that:

- In 2014/15, there were 13.5 million people living in low-income households, 21% of the UK population. This proportion has barely changed since 2002/03.

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Championing Self Care Approaches in Manchester

1 Dec 2016 - 15:19 by Nigel Rose

The Manchester Self-Care Steering Group (which includes Macc, Inspiring Change Manchester and Stroke Association) is organising an event on Jan 25th to bring together practitioners, service managers, policy makers, strategic coordinators, academics, and campaigners who want to champion an enabling self-care approach in Manchester.

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Complete our important State of the Sector Survey

24 Nov 2016 - 12:08 by michelle.foster

We have extended the deadline to complete our State of the Sector survey to 18 December 2016.

We would like to encourage your organisation to complete our important survey as we want to know how the government cuts and economic recession have affected our sector. We need to know how many groups have lost funding, how many have had to reduce services and how many have had to close or are facing closure. But also how we continue to work together providing valuable services and support to the people of Manchester.

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Our Manchester VCSE Funding Co-Design Group

14 Nov 2016 - 11:32 by Nigel Rose

The third meeting of the co-design group was held on Tuesday 1st November. It began with presentations focusing on examples of approaches to procurement including; setting up a separate organisation to do it - Manchester Youth Trust; crowd funding; and models from Camden and Bristol. The group then discussed the examples and began to develop a range of models.

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People’s Plan: Local borough events

9 Nov 2016 - 12:34 by michelle.foster

The People’s Plan is an independent, non-partisan, public engagement programme by and for citizens and civil society of Greater Manchester. Macc is working with the People’s Plan and other partners to deliver five local borough events across Greater Manchester. These events are open for all those interested in finding out more and exploring their thoughts on Devolution.

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Manchester City Council budget options

4 Nov 2016 - 11:07 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are looking for your views on a range of savings options that they must consider to balance the Council’s budget over the next three years.

Manchester City Council have already made some tough budget decisions in the last five years, with £100 million a year less to spend and a third fewer staff to deliver services.

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