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Black History Month 2014

3 Oct 2014 - 11:22 by michelle.foster

There are shows and events across Manchester to discover for Black History Month throughout October.

History has proven to be an important part of forming ones Identity and development. Having access to history allows us to see who we have been and who we can become. The more we delve into and expose the many stories that make up history, the more we unravel the many complicated, connected and multifaceted layers that make up the human spirit and the people who made us who we are today.

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Cabinet Office Social Action End of Life Support Programme 2014/15

3 Oct 2014 - 11:21 by michelle.foster

The Cabinet Office Centre for Social Action and Hospice UK are launching a fund of up to £1 million to support existing projects that engage volunteers in social action to enable continued social interaction and to improve the experience for people at end of life and their families.

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Social and Security - a new social-café and activity space in Rusholme

3 Oct 2014 - 11:20 by michelle.foster

Every Friday 12.30pm-3.30pm come along and enjoy the social-café, craft and cooking workshops.

Also banish the Sunday blues for a fortnightly session 3pm-8pm starting on Sunday 19 October 2014.

On Sunday’s 19 October, 2, 16, 30 November and 14 December, 3pm-6pm there are creative-craft workshops and the Rusholme Film Club starting at 6pm.

If you are interested in community organising and would like to start your own activities, this is the place for you with support, mentoring and training available.

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Volunteer Centre Manchester Registration

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If you encounter difficulty at any stage of the registration, or if you require further support, please contact the volunteer centre team here 

Please Note: Unfortunately, we are only funded to support individuals who reside within the City of Manchester who are 18 or over. If you are under 18, please click here to find lots of organisations that offer lots of different opportunities and who can support you to volunteer.

How information about you will be used

We will use your information to:

  • Contact you using the telephone number and / or email address provided
  • Provide additional support and training
  • Monitor training and event participation
  • Update you with ebulletins, newsletters
  • Ensure all geographical areas and demographics are supported equally

Your information will be stored in our password protected online database. Once we receive your information, we will make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems. Where you have chosen a password, which enables you to access certain parts of our website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone else. We will not share your information with any other third parties other than those covered above.

To read more about how the information you provide us will be used please read our privacy policy.

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Carers Social Action Support Fund – deadline 22 October 2014

26 Sep 2014 - 11:49 by michelle.foster

The Cabinet Office is inviting voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations to apply for grants of £50,000 or more to support projects that will improve the lives of unpaid family carers in England.

The Fund is aimed at organisations with plans to expand or develop ambitious social action projects that will help to improve the lives of carers. (A carer is anyone who looks after, unpaid, a friend or family member who cannot cope without their support. This may be due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction.)

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Grow Your Tenner 2014

26 Sep 2014 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

Grow Your Tenner will launch at 10am on Tuesday 14 October.

Throughout the campaign, Local Giving will be matching one-time donations pound-for-pound up to £10, and monthly donations up to £10 per month for 6 months.

All charities with active memberships are eligible to receive match funding, and the campaign will run across the whole of the UK.

For further information and to take part, visit: https://localgiving.com/campaign/gyt  

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