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Comic Relief Local Communities Programme

17 Jan 2014 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

There are still many communities in the UK that suffer from economic and social deprivation and the current economic climate may make this situation worse.
For this reason, Comic Relief has decided that £4.5 million should be available to fund projects across the UK which are addressing these issues through the 'Local Communities' programme.

The Local Communities programme will run for two years and during this time, grants of between £1000 and £10,000 will be available.

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Viridor Credits Funding

17 Jan 2014 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

Constituted non-profit organisations in eligible areas in England can apply now for capital funding for community, biodiversity or heritage projects that benefit their local community.

Viridor Credits provides funding for a huge range of projects and will consider eligible applications on their merits and in light of the funding available.

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BBC Community Doorway

17 Jan 2014 - 10:07 by michelle.foster

The BBC’s Community Doorway programme is where charities and community organisations can apply to access the skills and expertise of BBC staff volunteers to help deliver a one-off project.

You may want support to create a short film to showcase the work of your charity, to set up a website, or even to produce a community event of your own.

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Finding Volunteers with Financial Skills

17 Jan 2014 - 09:31 by michelle.foster

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Chartered Accountants' Benevolent Association (CABA) have set up a website to match volunteers with financial and other skills with not for profit organisations. Organisations can post unlimited volunteering opportunities free of charge to the website, and download CVs of potential volunteers.

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Sponsor the Manchester Day Parade

16 Jan 2014 - 15:50 by michelle.foster

Following last year's event which exceeded all expectations attracting over 50,000 spectators and 2,400 participants Manchester Day is fast becoming one of the North West's flagship summer events.

Plans for this year's Manchester Day are well underway - the date is confirmed as Sunday 22 June and the theme is 'Going Global' reflecting ideas around communications, travel and diversity as well as Manchester’s international connections and the city's position as an innovative world leader. Manchester Day 2014 is also going to be bigger and better!

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Manchester Women’s Aid have received funding to expand their domestic violence project

16 Jan 2014 - 14:10 by michelle.foster

Manchester Women’s Aid have received a Big Lottery grant to expand a project helping women and children from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities which are experiencing or escaping from domestic violence.

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Interested in helping shape NHS health services in Manchester?

15 Jan 2014 - 11:22 by michelle.foster

Do you have experience of the healthcare system as a patient or as a carer? Are you interested in local healthcare issues? The Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) want to hear from you.

North, Central and South Manchester CCGs, each has an established Patient and Public Advisory Group (PPAG) made up of local people that meet each month to help make sure that local plans really do meet the needs of local people.

Interested in joining?

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Breakfast on the Brow Spring 2014

14 Jan 2014 - 15:05 by michelle.foster

Breakfast on the Brow is serving free breakfast to students and young adults on a Saturday morning during the university term time from 18 January - 29 March 2014, 11am – 1pm at Brow House, 1 Mabfield Road, Fallowfield.

Breakfast on the Brow is organised by a group of Christians who have been given a small amount of money and have decided to spend it on cooking you bacon butties and egg muffins for free on Saturday mornings during term time.

Free bacon and egg butties and tea, coffee, hot chocolate and juice are being served.

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