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Finance and Fundraising Trustee at Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy

19 Jul 2019 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy is a small charity who help offenders and ex-offenders of all faiths and none to re-integrate positively into society. Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy is looking for a new trustee, ideally with knowledge and experience of finance and fundraising within the third sector. Greater Manchester Community Chaplaincy

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Together Dementia Support are recruiting Trustees

19 Jul 2019 - 10:32 by michelle.foster

Together Dementia Support are looking for enthusiastic and committed individuals to increase their Board of Trustees and help drive forward their dementia support work over the next 3 years. Together Dementia Support are currently in need of general trustees and someone with a particular interest and skills in fundraising. Together Dementia Support

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Caribbean and African Health Network Healthy Hearts Project

19 Jul 2019 - 10:26 by michelle.foster

The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) are delighted to announce a new project which has been funded by the National Lottery. Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. You need to take care of it to prevent for example, high blood pressure that can lead to kidney failure, heart disease and stroke.

Workshops include: talks for specialists in heart health; health screening testing, physical activity, nutrition, stall, light refreshments.

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Age-friendly Neighbourhood Challenge

19 Jul 2019 - 10:22 by michelle.foster

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has issued the second round of his Age-Friendly Neighbourhoods Challenge to make Greater Manchester the best place in the UK to grow older. Ambition for Ageing

Through this challenge it will find practical examples of what age-friendly really means and share best practice across the city region.

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GM Moving – a chance for local people to get involved in the campaign

19 Jul 2019 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

GM Moving are launching a campaign to get the population of Greater Manchester moving more. They want to be the first 'active' city in the UK and are trying to show people that there is a lot of benefit in moving for just 30 minutes a day as part of your daily routine. GM Moving

The ads need to feature real people on real life situations and this is where they need your help. The team at GM Moving need people who are in the following groups:

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Black History Month Awards

17 Jul 2019 - 15:31 by michelle.foster

The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) will be honouring individuals and organisations for their contributions to the health and wellbeing of the Caribbean and African Community in Greater Manchester. Nominations will be accepted for those who through personal or professional efforts has made a difference to Caribbean and African people. CAHN

Nominations close on 22 July 2019.

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Oldham Coliseum Theatre are recruiting Trustees

15 Jul 2019 - 11:47 by michelle.foster

Oldham Coliseum Theatre are recruiting new trustees to join them at this exciting time. Oldham Coliseum Theatre

The role of trustee is a voluntary position and requires dedication to the theatre’s development, ensuring that the Company fulfils its charitable purpose for the public benefit.  All trustees are ambassadors for Oldham Coliseum Theatre’s work and community. 

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Improving outcomes in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life consultation

12 Jul 2019 - 15:44 by michelle.foster

The Programme Team have been undertaking a Co-Design process for the Targeted Fund priority 'Improving outcomes in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life'  with representatives from Manchester City Council, Manchester Health & Care Commissioning Officers and individuals from various voluntary sector organisations from across Manchester. Manchester City Council

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