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Greater Manchester Suicide Bereavement Information Service

23 Aug 2019 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

Sining a light on suicideGreater Manchester Suicide Bereavement Information Service is a new service (hosted by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership) launched for all residents/staff/services for the Greater Manchester area, to offer information and resources for individuals bereaved or affected by suicide. 

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Victims and witnesses of crime asked for their views on GMP and the criminal justice system

23 Aug 2019 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Victims and witnesses of crime are being asked to share their experiences of the police and criminal justice system to ensure that people in Greater Manchester are getting the best support possible. Victims and Witneeses survey

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Our Shared Cultural Heritage (OSCH) project: Young Evaluator (Part-time; Manchester and Glasgow)

19 Aug 2019 - 10:47 by michelle.foster

Are you curious? Do you like finding out how and why things work? Are you creative? Are you analytical? Do you like talking to other people to find out what they think and to understand their point of view? The Audience Agency

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Answer Cancer Fund

16 Aug 2019 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care PartnershipWould your organisation like to help play a part in boosting cancer screening rates in Greater Manchester?

Financial support is available to voluntary, community, social enterprise and faith-based organisations who can help recruit Cancer Champions to promote cancer screening amongst under-represented groups. Investments of £1,000 - £2,000 are available.

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Fair Housing Futures

16 Aug 2019 - 10:38 by michelle.foster

Nationwide Building SocietyFunded by the Nationwide Foundation and led by the FHF Partnership Board, Fair Housing Futures has been established to improve the experience of private renting for those with limited financial and social support in Greater Manchester. The ambition is to help create a private rented sector (PRS) that provides decent and affordable homes for people in need.

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