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Carers Federation Virtual Learning Environment

29 Jun 2018 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

Carers Federation are a City and Guilds Approved Training Centre and are investing in new technologies to improve and increase their training portfolio and make learning much more flexible and manageable for the learner. Carers Federation Virtual Learning Environment

The new virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is due to go live in August 2018.

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Co-op Foundation interest free loans for enterprising ideas to improve community spaces

22 Jun 2018 - 11:20 by michelle.foster

The Co-op Foundation are offering interest-free loans for enterprising ideas to improve community spaces. Coop

Places and spaces for people to come together and enjoy shared interests are vitally important for building stronger communities.

Venues such as parks and community centres need regular income so they can continue to meet the needs of people who use them, love them, and rely on them for local services and social contact.

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Community Development Initiative – Counselling Service

22 Jun 2018 - 11:14 by michelle.foster

Are you experiencing?
• Depression / anxiety Community Development Initiative
• Family issues
• Relationship difficulties
• Bereavement
• Feeling lonely
• Cultural problems

Would you like to talk to someone without being judged and share your thoughts and feelings with a professional counsellor.

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Manchester Jobs Fair For All; Part 2 - Friday 27 July 2018

22 Jun 2018 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

The first Manchester Job's Fair For All was held in February 2018, which was a success with over three hundred attendees, over twenty businesses present and countless of individuals gaining a job or apprenticeship.

Watch a video of last year’s jobs fair here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5_koaf6Jno&t=135s

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Office space available at the Wesley Centre

22 Jun 2018 - 11:08 by michelle.foster

There is space available at the Wesley Centre, Royce Road, Hulme, Manchester M15 5BP.

Units 4, 5 and 9 are on the ground floor. Unit 14 is on the upper floor

Target rent £11.50 per sq ft (exc VAT) includes electric and gas but tenant will be responsible for business rates (charities can get up to 80% exemption) and water rates. They have to use their own tel and broadband.

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Local Stockport Mums set up postnatal group to make new parents’ lives brighter

22 Jun 2018 - 11:01 by michelle.foster

Two local mums have set up a new postnatal group to help families in Adswood and Bridgehall. Ellie Thouret and Donna Hawkyard of The Parenting Collective have designed the group in collaboration with local families to make lives a little brighter for new parents. Stockport Postnatal Group

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Call for volunteers - NHS70 and Windrush70 event - Saturday 23 June

21 Jun 2018 - 09:25 by michelle.foster

The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) are looking to recruit volunteers to provide support and assistance at the Greater Manchester NHS70 and Windrush70 Health Walk and Festival celebration event this Saturday (23 June) at Alexandra Park, Russell St, Manchester M16 7JL.

The Theme of the day is ‘Celebrating the Contribution of Migration to the NHS’ and will recognise the invaluable and irreplaceable contribution that the Windrush generation – and all BME communities – have made to the NHS since it was formed in 1948.

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Manchester’s only LGBT+ Centre reaches halfway mark in £2.25m rebuild fundraising target

20 Jun 2018 - 12:09 by michelle.foster

The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, Mr Warren J. Smith KStJ JP DLitt LLD, is a dedicated supporter of various charities and organisations in the area, and on 19 June he welcomed 50 people to the LGBT+ Centre on Sidney Street to launch a public appeal to support its re-build. The Proud Trust

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Manchester Community Development Practice Working Group – The Rise of Community Development in Manchester

15 Jun 2018 - 10:54 by michelle.foster

This briefing is by the Community Development Practice Working Group, an informal group of skilled community development workers who are seeking to improve knowledge, understanding and practice of community development. The briefing begins with a short overview of the linkages between community development work practice and some key Manchester strategies. It then describes what community development work practice is and illustrates through a number of case studies.

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