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Kooth information sessions over August

15 Aug 2023 - 14:29 by michelle.foster

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community. As the new school year rolls around Kooth is running a new set of information sessions available for you to join and learn more about Kooth. These sessions are open to all professionals that koothwork with children and young people from the age of 10 and up to the age of 25. During the session Kooth will be taking a look and learning about the following:

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The Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Community Fund Round three is now open

11 Aug 2023 - 08:48 by michelle.foster

LGBT Foundation and George House Trust are now accepting proposals for round three of the Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Community Fund.

a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontThe Greater Manchester LGBTQ+ Community Fund inspires action and encourages inclusion across Greater Manchester, benefiting LGBTQ+ people and communities.

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Home Office Community Engagement Fund 2023-24

10 Aug 2023 - 14:50 by michelle.foster

The Community Engagement Fund is intended to support grassroots and community groups to engage communities and raise awareness of and address any misinformation about the Windrush a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontCompensation and Windrush Schemes, with a focus on non-Caribbean communities.

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Rainbow Haven 20th anniversary

10 Aug 2023 - 14:45 by michelle.foster

This year Rainbow Haven are celebrating their 20th anniversary. Founded in 2003, Rainbow Haven has provided a welcoming community hub for asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants rainbow havenfor two decades.

“We couldn’t have done it without the wonderful people we have worked with over that time, and the communities which surround us. We would love to share the occasion with you.”

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Levenshulme Youth Project - Supporting Young People

9 Aug 2023 - 09:52 by helen.walker

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We will be sharing stories in August to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from Levenshulme Youth Project:

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Manchester Parent Carer Forum - It’s an essential lifeline

8 Aug 2023 - 14:49 by helen.walker

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We will be sharing stories in August to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from Manchester Parent Carer Forum:

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Cede Foundation - "I am very grateful for the food items you bring for my family every week"

7 Aug 2023 - 13:26 by helen.walker

Macc recently managed the latest Spirit of Manchester Fund round of grants which focused on organisations that support people with the cost of living crisis. We will be sharing stories in August to show the impact of these grants and the wide range of projects that they supported. Today, we have the story from Cede Foundation:

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