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Greater Manchester older people’s organisations encouraged to apply to be a Sky Up Digital Hub

11 May 2023 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

Sky is encouraging older people’s organisations and charities in Greater Manchester and around the UK to apply to set up and run a ‘Sky Up Digital Hub’ and receive free public Wi-Fi for three free wi-fiyears and devices. The digital hubs provide support to people over the age of 65 who may lack skills and confidence to get online safely, offering them training and advice to make the most of online services and communication apps.

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Greater Manchester VCSE Accord Delivery Plan 2023-26

11 May 2023 - 10:31 by michelle.foster

The Greater Manchester VCSE Accord has been signed by leaders in local government, health and the VCSE sector to work together in a collaborative way to tackle entrenched inequalities.

The Accord delivery plan for 2023 to 2026 has been completed and signed off. This document is the culmination of months’ worth of work and lays out the future of the Accord over the next three years.

The central themes of delivery are:

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Youth Investment Fund Refurbishment Grant

4 May 2023 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

The Youth Investment Fund team wants to ensure every eligible youth service can apply for funding to renovate their service and recognises that some services only require a small investment to image: funding bagimprove their offer to young people.

In response to need, the Youth Investment Fund team has developed a Refurbishment Grants application stream for organisations. The focus of the fund is refurbishments on individual sites.

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Watch The People's Powerhouse recent Racial Justice and Housing event

4 May 2023 - 14:29 by michelle.foster

The People's Powerhouse recent Racial Justice and Housing event heard from diverse perspectives on the intersection of racial justice and housing. Speakers and attendees held in-depth image: videodiscussions on the reality of seeking asylum in the UK and the systemically racist underpinnings of the housing system.

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Blog: Good employment – a key component of an inclusive economy

4 May 2023 - 14:27 by michelle.foster

Good employment is a key component of an inclusive economy. In GMCVO’s latest blog they look at why good employment is more important than ever, the tools available to improve employment, image: blogthe barriers for VCSE employers to offer better employment, and the support they can offer.

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Free webinars on a social value spreadsheet

28 Apr 2023 - 12:07 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester VCSE organisation? Struggling to measure your ‘social value’? Could a free and simple spreadsheet help you?

The Community Hubs Network for Manchester have developed a simple spreadsheet where you add some straightforward data and it can transform this into graphs and information that you can use in reports, funding bids etc.

The content is based on the National Social Value TOMS (themes, outcomes and measures) framework so it is a recognised system using ‘approved values’.

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Nationwide Building Society Community Grants

27 Apr 2023 - 14:18 by michelle.foster

Funding is available for projects which address the housing problem across the UK. Housing-focused charities in the UK can apply to the annual community grants programme from Nationwide Building Society, focusing on:

  • Preventing people from losing their home
  • Helping people into a home
  • Supporting people to thrive within the home environment

This year, the awards have increased in size, meaning that grants of £10,000 to £60,000 are now available. Nationwide will fund between 50% to 100% of the total cost of a project.

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