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Vacancy for paid member: Transport for Greater Manchester, Disability Design Reference Group

15 May 2023 - 11:39 by michelle.foster

Are you a disabled person, or do you have lived experience of disability or a long-term health condition?
breakthrough ukYou may also work in an organisation supporting people with lived experience of disability or long-term health conditions.
Are you passionate about helping to create inclusive public transport, walking, cycling and wheeling services across Greater Manchester?

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Survey – The abuse of women who run: perceptions, fear and experiences

11 May 2023 - 15:01 by michelle.foster

A research team from the University of Manchester, collaborating with two North-West police forces, is conducting a study on the experiences, perceptions, and fear of abuse faced by women who woman runningrun or jog. This includes verbal abuse, cat-calling, being followed or flashed at, as well as physical and sexual assaults.

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