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PeerFest 2023

15 Jun 2023 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

Do you need funding for your peer support work? Would you like to have your say on funding? PeerFest 2023 is happening in Greater Manchester this year with funding as just one of many peerfestopportunities for community-led peer support.

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Join Manchester Leaders by Lived Experience Project

15 Jun 2023 - 10:13 by michelle.foster

Are you a disabled person, or do you have lived experience of disability or a long-term health condition?
cream background with a circle of images of peopleDo you live in the city of Manchester?
Could you use your lived experience and knowledge to make Manchester a better place for disabled people?
Would you like to develop your skills?
Do you want to get paid for your time and experience?

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Greater Manchester Good Employment Week 19-24 June 2023

15 Jun 2023 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

Good Employment Week is an annual week of activities that aims to raise awareness of good employment across the city-region. It is taking place between 19-24 June 2023.

greater manchester good employment week 2023 19-24 juneFor this inaugural year, the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter are engaging with employees – and asking the question ‘how good is your job?’ through a short, interactive quiz.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 14 June 2023

15 Jun 2023 - 09:52 by michelle.foster

In the latest newsletter, the End Child Poverty Coalition explores its newly launched local child poverty statistics, Just Fair updates on the latest local authority to adopt the socio-economic duty and gmpa greater manchester poverty actionGreater Sport shares new recommendations for enhancing volunteering systems in light of the cost-of-living crisis. There is also a closer look at the local child poverty statistics for Greater Manchester.

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Family Hubs new website and brand design

2 Jun 2023 - 14:43 by michelle.foster

Family Hubs are looking for families, parents and carers to help decide on how the new website and brand for the Family Hubs should look.

Family Hubs are a new initiative being developed nationally to ensure services and support for families is better connected. The hubs will be based within communities – ensuring families can easily access the support they need locally.  

Family Hubs are inviting parents, carers and family members to tell them more about how they access information for families online, and how this can be improved.  

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Living Well – VCSE Expressions of Interest

31 May 2023 - 16:07 by michelle.foster

The aim of Living Well is to transform community mental health services – with greater choice and more control by the people who need support as to what care is available, where to get it and how it is delivered. It seeks to be more inclusive and to encourage people to stay well and active. “Living Well Teams” are made up of a range of partners providing different services that will bridge the gap between GP and community-based services and hospital-based and specialist services.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 31 May 2023

31 May 2023 - 13:35 by michelle.foster

In the GM Poverty newsletter, Child Poverty Action Group share an update on their research into the cost of going to school and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation explore the idea of a social safety net. There is an update on the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign, which includes details of our upcoming event for Good Employment Week in partnership with GMCVO.

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Proud 2 b Parents training

25 May 2023 - 13:39 by michelle.foster

Proud 2 b Parents exist to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBT+ parents/carers and their children, whilst reducing health inequalities. Proud 2 b Parents do this by providing effective social proud 2 b parents logoand support services, whilst championing social change and advocating for the community's needs locally and nationally.

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