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Housing and tuberculosis survey

20 Mar 2015 - 12:35 by michelle.foster

Public Health England are developing practical resources to help enable patients with tuberculosis (TB) to access appropriate housing so they are more likely to successfully complete treatment, and to enhance the role housing can play in the diagnosis and prevention of TB in at risk groups.

• Do you have experience of working with people with, or at higher risk of TB
• Do you have experience of working with health professionals on raising awareness about TB or other communicable diseases?
• If not, would you like to know more about this issue?

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The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants for organisations working with carers

20 Mar 2015 - 12:34 by michelle.foster

The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants for organisations working with carers provide funds towards your organisation’s core costs to support the development of a solid foundation for the long-term. The Trust would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income sources, so that when the grant comes to end your organisation’s income will not be reduced.

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Nominet Trust - Social Tech Seed Fund

20 Mar 2015 - 12:33 by michelle.foster

Social Tech Seed is an open grant-funding programme that offers early-stage investment to social entrepreneurs and charities that are looking to develop new projects using digital technology for social impact. This programme will provide funding and support to help entrepreneurs nurture, develop and test their ideas.

This programme will provide funding and support to help ventures in developing their ideas into a more robust digital product or service.

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Office of the Children’s Commissioner Report - ‘If it’s not better, it’s not the end’ Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation

18 Mar 2015 - 11:24 by michelle.foster

‘If it’s not better, it’s not the end’ Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
in Gangs and Groups: one year on report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner is a follow up to the ‘If only someone had listened’ inquiry into CSE in groups and gangs, in which the OCC recommended the implementation of the See Me, Hear Me framework.

This report documents the progress made by government, LSCBs and police forces in tackling CSE in the last year.

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Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards

13 Mar 2015 - 11:45 by michelle.foster

The Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards (SEDA) aim to support social enterprises and charities with trading activities looking to grow their business and improve their local community.

The Development Awards are targeted at established social ventures that have ambitions to develop their organisation but need a financial boost to help them realise their potential. SEDA is an annual competition with winners selected on the strength of their business plan for growth.

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Lifeshare are looking for Trustees

13 Mar 2015 - 11:43 by michelle.foster

Lifeshare was established in Manchester in 1985, and was originally set up to meet the needs of Manchester’s homeless. Lifeshare pioneered schemes for resettlement and rent guarantee to ensure stable accommodation for those in need, and initiated the sale of ‘The Big Issue’ in Manchester with a local supplement (now ‘The Big Issue in the North’).

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One Team – Delivering the best outcomes for people in Manchester

13 Mar 2015 - 11:41 by michelle.foster

Living Longer, Living Better describes the ambitious programme of work aimed at ensuring local people receive high quality, personalised services which support them to manage their own health and wellbeing and live long healthy lives.

This integrated care will be delivered by health and social care professionals organised around 10 to 12 hubs across the city, each serving 40-50,000 people. This arrangement, and the organisational changes needed to make it happen, is being called One Team.

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Invitation to tender for a time-limited evaluation of the Manchester Volunteer Advice Partnership

13 Mar 2015 - 11:40 by michelle.foster

Manchester Mind is the lead partner in this strong partnership project and is working with 4 other Manchester-based partners (Cheetham Hill Advice Centre, Manchester Refugee Support Network, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit and Young Peoples Support Foundation) to deliver an exciting, two-year project providing excellent-quality volunteering opportunities in advice activities across all the organisations.

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Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme

13 Mar 2015 - 11:39 by michelle.foster

The programme has three core elements: a 14 day course, one to one business mentoring and a grant. The programme is split into two categories:

Start Up - will help you get a new organisation up and running
Scale Up - will help you grow an existing social enterprise

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Youth on Solid Ground (YSG) Press Club creative writing sessions

13 Mar 2015 - 11:38 by michelle.foster

Youth on Solid Ground (YSG) Press Club creative writing sessions are being run in partnership with Invisible Inc every Saturday 2:30am-4:30pm at Manley Park Centre, York Avenue, Whalley Range, M16 0AS.

Activities Include: creative writing, group work, discussions, problem solving activities and having fun.

The sessions are free and are for all young girls (ages 11-19).

The sessions are delivered by Qualified Youth Workers, Mentors and Artists.

You can simply turn up, register on the day.

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