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Building Better Opportunities: Can you help?

23 Jan 2015 - 10:18 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery Fund and New Economy are in the process of designing the Building Better Opportunities (BBO) funding programme in Greater Manchester.

Voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations are asked to help identify the people who would benefit most from the programme, how they would benefit and what type of support would be beneficial.

In order that this fund targets the right people it is crucial that VCSE organisations get involved in the design.

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Opportunity to get involved in research exploring people’s experiences and views about what immigrant integration means and involves

23 Jan 2015 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

Two researchers from the University of Manchester are currently working on a project which explores people’s experiences and views about what immigrant integration means and involves.

The research project, Unity out of Diversity? Perspectives on the adaptations of immigrants in Britain, is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

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Manchester Community Safety Strategy 2014-2017 Partnership Burglary and Robbery Plan

23 Jan 2015 - 10:14 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Community Safety Strategy for 2014-2017 produced by Manchester City Council following public consultation sets out priority areas for all organisations operating in the Manchester area.

Some of the organisations have a statutory requirement to align and provide services to address these priorities whilst some organisations and groups may be doing so on a voluntary basis and should be encouraged to contribute to reducing crime and disorder within their communities in line with the priorities.

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Match fund campaign - #GiveMe5 28 Jan and 25 Feb

23 Jan 2015 - 10:10 by michelle.foster

#GiveMe5 is Local Giving's latest match fund initiative, doubling 1,000 x £5 donations made during a 24hr period on Wednesday the 28 January and Wednesday 25 February 2015.

Register now
Do you represent a local charity that would like to benefit from #GiveMe5 and Local Giving’s other regular match fund promotions? To signup up visit: https://localgiving.com/charitysignup

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Action for Children - Foster With Us

23 Jan 2015 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

Action for Children are establishing a team of specialist full time and short break foster carers. If you have a desire to give children and young people a chance at a brighter future by offering them stability, care and support; if you can show understanding at the same time as creating positive boundaries and rewards, then you could be part of the team.

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Invite to meet Cllr Sue Murphy and Cllr Paul Andrews to discuss the Council’s budget options

20 Jan 2015 - 09:30 by michelle.foster

Councillor Sue Murphy, Deputy Leader of the Council and lead Member for the Voluntary Sector, and Councillor Paul Andrews, Executive Member for Adult Health and Wellbeing, are offering voluntary and community sector organisations in the city the opportunity to put forward their views on the Council's budget options.

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Stand Up for Manchester Rally - 3 February

19 Jan 2015 - 11:31 by michelle.foster

Organised by Labour councillors, the rally is aimed at voluntary groups, trade unions, churches, charities and individuals who feel Manchester has had a raw deal.

Date & Time: Tuesday 3 February, 5.30pm
Venue: Albert Square, Manchester

Cllr. Pat Karney is inviting everybody from across the voluntary and community sector to join the Labour Councillors at the rally.

The rally is featured in the Manchester Evening News: “Mancunians urged to 'stand-up for democracy' at smartphone rally against government cuts”

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Postcode Community Trust - Community Grants Programme apply by 30 Jan 2015

16 Jan 2015 - 11:54 by michelle.foster

The Postcode Community Trust Community Grants Programme provides financial support to charities and community groups that support environmental protection, community development, engagement in sport, advancement of health, promotion of human rights and prevention of poverty.

The Community Grants Programme exists to support projects of up to one year in length that deliver a positive impact to local communities

Groups can apply for £500 - £20,000.

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Manchester Day 2015 – Participate and perform

16 Jan 2015 - 11:53 by michelle.foster

Manchester Day is on Sunday 14 June 2015, 12noon-6pm in Manchester City Centre. Join in and celebrate leisure, play, and Manchester’s place in a global gaming world.

Do you want to take part in the parade or bring one of the squares to life and celebrate the city of Manchester and what it means to be Mancunian?

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