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VIY in Manchester – free construction training opportunity for young people

16 Jun 2022 - 15:17 by michelle.foster

Volunteer It Yourself (VIY) combines volunteering and DIY by challenging young people aged 14-24, those not in education, employment or training (NEET) or at risk of becoming so, to learn trade skills by helping to fix local community buildings in need.

How it works

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ACORN MCR Eviction Resistance at Housing 2022

16 Jun 2022 - 15:15 by michelle.foster

ACORN Manchester are going to Europe's biggest housing conference. Politicians, journalists, and professionals from across the UK are going to be in Manchester discussing one of the biggest issues in British history – modern housing. ACORN Manchester are going to be running the iconic ACORN Eviction Resistance training outside the conference – with some surprises and demands thrown in there as well.

This is open to members, the public, community groups, trade unions, anyone and everyone who wants to see a Manchester and a UK that works for working class people.

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GM VCSE Work and Wellbeing survey

14 Jun 2022 - 14:30 by michelle.foster

As we know from our State of the VCSE sector research, there are around 75,000 paid staff and 500,000 volunteers working in charities, community groups, faith-based organisations and social gm vcse workforce surveyenterprises across Greater Manchester. This is a massive workforce of people who are dedicated to doing good in their communities.

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Community Food Worker - Steps to Success Programme last few free spaces available.

7 Jun 2022 - 12:12 by cheryl.mcalister

Last few places available on the following programme.

  • Are you passioante about food?
  • Would you like to learn how to deliver safe and enjoyable community food projects?
  • Want to meet new people?

See attached information poster.

All places are free.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter 1 June 2022

1 Jun 2022 - 11:32 by michelle.foster

The latest GM Poverty Action newsletter looks at the Government’s recent announcements and shares details about the Poverty Monitor 2022. There is information about the GM Pensions Top Up newsletter2022 campaign and a new employment legal advice service.  GM Living Wage campaign and the Tameside Poverty Truth Commission provide updates and there is a short piece about Minimum Income Standards.

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LGBT employability programme

31 May 2022 - 15:46 by michelle.foster

Proud Futures is a programme tailored to the needs of LGBT+ young people aged 18-25 who are not currently in employment, education or training. The programme is designed to support young the proud trustLGBT+ people into meaningful work, education or volunteer opportunities. It has been designed for those who are unsure about their next steps in life and who might feel nervous about taking part.

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Introducing the GM Children in Care Social Enterprise Taskforce

30 May 2022 - 15:18 by michelle.foster

A new GM body set up to bring diversity, choice and, high standards of care for children in residential care.

childrenAbout the Taskforce
The GM CICSET (Children in Care Social Enterprise Taskforce) is inspiring social enterprises and third sector organisations to co-produce innovative solutions for children’s social care services in GM.

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