People/communities experiencing racial inequalities

Grants to support the promotion of the free early education offer for 2 year olds to Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities

fundingGMCVO, with funding from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, have launched a grants programme to support the promotion of the free early education offer for 2 year olds to Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities.

£2.6 million fund to help Hong Kong arrivals launched

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local GovernmentCommunity groups across the UK now have the chance to bid for a share of a £2.6 million fund to support programmes that will help newly arrived families make the best start to rebuilding their lives.

This money can be used to support people through buddying schemes, help families to access services like registering for GPs or opening bank accounts, or find employment.

Kooth survey

koothKooth Plc provides digital mental health services. Kooth are inviting men between the ages of 26 - 45 years old from ethnic minority backgrounds to share their insights and experiences of mental health support.

Kooth want to understand how they could improve and develop their service for men from diverse ethnic minority backgrounds between the ages of 26-45 years.

Macc Equality Survey

maccMacc is reviewing our equalities and inclusion approach. We have been wanting to do this work for some time and while COVID-19 has disrupted so much over the last year, we believe this work is important and so we are now starting this as lockdown measures are easing. In the light of the increased focus on tackling racism, we want to make sure we are playing our part in that movement as best we can.

Black and Minoritised Women's Fund – first round

womens resource centreIn this first round, eligible organisations can apply for a £5,000 grant to help them support Black and minoritised women and girls, dealing with the impact of Covid-19.

Women's Resource Centre are really keen to fund small organisations that have limited access to funds and without funding core costs may consider reducing services or closing.

Grant and learning support for Black and Minoritised led charities and social enterprises

enterprise development programmeAre you a legally constituted charity, voluntary sector organisation, or social enterprise?

Do you require support for the development of your charity or social enterprise?

Get grants and learning support to progress your ideas and grow your enterprise activity through The Black and Minoritised Communities Enterprise Development Programme.

Funding for Black-led organisations in the UK

common call fundDo it Now Now (DINN) is delighted to have received funding from Comic Relief’s Global Majority Fund to provide, through a Common Call grant fund, financial support to Black-led charities and social enterprises disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 in the UK. The £300,000 fund includes contributions from Barclays, National Emergencies Trust, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, The Clothworkers’ Foundation and Comic Relief.