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The Charity Service – New grant structure

25 Mar 2022 - 09:36 by michelle.foster

Over the past 3 years, The Charity Service has developed strong working relationships with voluntary, community and social enterprise (VSCE) organisations in Greater Manchester and provided over £350,000 in financial support.

Further to a Strategic Review in 2021, during which The Charity Service consulted with VCSE organisations in Greater Manchester, they have announced their new grant policy that will be effective from 1 April 2022.

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The Beautiful South Fund

9 Mar 2022 - 14:11 by michelle.foster

Southway Housing Trust want to help those of you with a community initiative or idea in mind to make south Manchester even more beautiful. The theme of the fund is neighbourliness. It is funding of up to £2,500 for any group or individual with an idea focussed around community projects, whether they are big or small, that help improve and bring people together within your neighbourhood.

Some community initiative ideas could include:

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Lloyds Bank Foundation welcomes applications for unrestricted funding

9 Mar 2022 - 14:09 by michelle.foster

Charities with an annual income of between £25,000 and £1 million can still apply for unrestricted grants of up to £50,000 and accompanying development support from the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales.

Eligible charities must demonstrate a track record of undertaking work related to the following Complex Social Issues:

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Magic Little Grants 2022

9 Mar 2022 - 14:08 by michelle.foster

The Magic Little Grants Fund provides charities and community groups that are either in their first year of operation or have an annual income under £250,000 the opportunity to apply for a £500 grant.

This year the scheme will make grants to 2,650 organisations, compared with 2,000 last year.

The fund will support the following funding themes:

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Asda Foundation funding for projects to empower local communities

9 Mar 2022 - 13:54 by michelle.foster

Funding is available to community groups in the UK to support a broad range of activities which can contribute towards transforming their community and improving the lives of people in their community.

Asda Foundation's Empowering Local Communities Grant programme is currently accepting applications for funding for projects under the following four themes:

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GMCA is commissioning for the Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme

3 Mar 2022 - 09:43 by michelle.foster

The Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme (RSAP) was introduced in 2020 by the Government to support 6000 rough sleepers into long term accommodation. The programme provided capital fundingfunding to deliver additional move-on properties for individuals who experienced rough sleeping and revenue to provide support to the move-on properties.

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Social Enterprise Support Fund

3 Mar 2022 - 09:41 by michelle.foster

The Social Enterprise Support Fund will provide essential financial support to help social enterprises in England to rebuild and grow their income from trading, following the impact of Covid-19. The fundingfund is focused on social enterprises supporting people facing increased social and economic challenges as a result of the pandemic.

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