Health and Wellbeing

Thousands more staff affected by Covid-19 in Greater Manchester to benefit from specialist psychological support

gm resilience hubThe Greater Manchester Resilience Hub is extending its covid-19 psychological and emotional wellbeing support to thousands more health and care staff (including VCSE organisations) and their families who work and / or live in Greater Manchester.

Healthy Me Healthy Communities Christmas Gift Appeal

hmhc christmas appealThis Christmas Healthy Me Healthy Communities are providing toys and gifts for children aged 0-16 for families that attend the Community Grocers.

Donations of toys, selection boxes, books and comics, games and puzzles, toiletries, arts and crafts are all very welcome.

All donations can be new or unopened/unused and toys must have the ‘CE’ marking to ensure safety.

Together Dementia Support is seeking new trustees

together dementia supportTogether Dementia Support (TDS) has grown significantly since it was set up to support people affected by dementia in 2014. TDS provide individualised and innovative support and activities to people who are living with dementia and to their family carers, working with a large team of volunteers.

Request the Greater Manchester Youth Mental Health Arts and Culture Evaluation Kit

gm ithriveThe evaluation toolkit is used to capture the impact that arts and cultural activities have on children and young people's mental health. It is for use by organisations that provide arts and cultural programmes for children and young people, based in Greater Manchester.

Blood donors needed in Manchester

give bloodNHS Blood and Transplant currently need more people to join their growing community of blood donors in Manchester.

Giving blood is considered essential travel during lockdown. The need for blood never stops and, every donation saves a life.

For opening times and appointments, or to find out more about giving blood, click here contact 0300 123 2323.

Forever Manchester Community Support Fund: Supported by the Co-op

fundingFor this round of the Community Support Fund, supported by the Co-op, Forever Manchester are accepting applications from voluntary and community organisations based in any of the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester.

The focus for this funding is sustainable food poverty programmes.

CDL Fund

cdlThe CDL Fund is particularly keen to receive applications from groups who are using technology to adapt their activities or change how they support their community during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The CDL Fund is open to organisations based and delivering activity in any of the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester.

The CDL Fund is offering awards of up to £1,000.

Peter Sowerby Foundation Increasing Access Fund

The new Increasing Access Fund is targeted to support organisations to develop new services that respond to the Covid-19 situation, or to adapt existing services to meet local and national needs. The Fund is aimed specifically at ensuring or increasing access to key services and activities for beneficiaries who have struggled with access due to Covid-19. The Foundation will also consider supporting programmes which provide access for beneficiaries to new services which have been developed in response to a clear Covid-19 need.