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Sustainable Futures Fund

29 Mar 2021 - 15:09 by michelle.foster

prince's trustThe Prince’s Trust have launched the Sustainable Futures Fund in the context of recovery. The ambition is not only to support young people at a time of great need, but to enable Greater Manchester to come out of the pandemic looking confidently into the future – aligning with a clear plan for growing industries providing sustainable, good quality, ‘future-focused’ jobs in the region.

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Manchester Work Club Funding Programme May 2021-March 2022

29 Mar 2021 - 14:53 by michelle.foster

manchester city council logoManchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing flexible and informal employment support to workless Manchester residents. 

In recognition of the valuable role they play in delivering employment support services, Manchester City Council has made available grant funding for Manchester Work Clubs to apply for.

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The Prince's Trust – Sustainable Futures Fund information session

11 Mar 2021 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

prince's trustThe Prince’s Trust are seeking to procure partners for a new fund in Greater Manchester. They are holding an information session on the 18 March, 11am-12pm, for interested parties to find out more.

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Women's Empowerment to work Programme

4 Feb 2021 - 14:04 by michelle.foster

women's voicesThe Women's Empowerment to work Programme run by Women’s Voices CIC will support women to explore flexible options around employment. The free 12 week programme will help women in the community to boost skills, knowledge and confidence to help them take the next steps to change their life and find work that they can and want to do.

The course is every Monday 10am - 2.30pm, starting on 1 March 2021.

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Manchester Employment Support Partnership – free online support sessions

4 Feb 2021 - 13:41 by michelle.foster

opportunityThe Manchester Employment Support Partnership has been set up to provide support and assistance to Manchester residents and employers who have been affected by Covid-19. The partnership includes Manchester City Council. The Growth Company, Citizens Advice Bureau, Jobcentre Plus and many other trusted partners.

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CAHN Employee Assistance Programme survey

22 Jan 2021 - 11:09 by michelle.foster

cahnThe Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN) is developing an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for Caribbean and African people in the workplace considering the health disparities in the Black community. There is much evidence that a culturally competent service will have better outcomes hence the development of a Black-led service offer.

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M-EET Your Match

22 Jan 2021 - 11:01 by michelle.foster

meet your matchM-EET Your Match has an online list of opportunities (volunteering, educational courses, work placements, life and employment skills courses, and Level 2 apprenticeships) for people who live in Manchester.  If you find something you’re interested in you can click and register directly with the organisers who will then contact you.

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2027 – applications now open

22 Jan 2021 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

2027Do you have experience working or volunteering in a frontline-based role in your community, or have lived experience of issues affecting working-class communities? Are you keen to develop your career, getting paid whilst undertaking first-class professional development and having a say on how funding is spent? Do you consider yourself to be from a working-class community?

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