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Skills and Opportunities Fund

14 May 2015 - 10:34 by michelle.foster

NatWest’s Skills and Opportunities Fund has committed £2.5m to fund projects in charities, social enterprises, community groups, state-funded schools and colleges across the UK and Ireland. The focus for this funding is to support organisations that help people in disadvantaged communities develop, create or access the skills and opportunities they need to help themselves; skills that will enable them to get into work or start a business, now or in the future.

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Have you got what it takes to be a #LocalHero?

8 May 2015 - 09:25 by michelle.foster

This June, Localgiving is celebrating all the fantastic fundraisers who put themselves out to raise money on behalf of a local charity. From marathons to bungee jumps, sponsored silences to fire walks – there is a whole host of people who do amazing things to support local causes.

To help give a boost to their efforts, Localgiving will be awarding £5,000 in prizes to the causes supported by the top 20 fundraisers in June. Participants will be ranked according to the number of unique donors from whom they secure sponsorship throughout the month.

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Mind Your Money launches the Talk Money Stress Less campaign

30 Apr 2015 - 10:48 by michelle.foster

If you are a community group and want to put on an event that gets people talking about money Mind Your Money have a small budget and a wealth of knowledge to help you.

The 'Talk Money Stress Less' campaign aims to stop people feeling ashamed about struggling with money. If people are able to talk about money problems they are more likely to be pointed in the direction of good money advice rather than resort to payday loans, doorstep lenders or cutting back on essentials such as food, gas and electric.

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Building Better Opportunities in Greater Manchester Briefing from GMCVO

30 Apr 2015 - 09:18 by michelle.foster

Building Better Opportunities (BBO) is a joint funding initiative from European Social Fund and the Big Lottery. In Greater Manchester BBO will be worth £10 million. £5 million from Big Lottery and £5million from European Social Fund. The first phase will deliver services from 2016 to 2018.

Who will it benefit?
The project is likely to be targeted at people from 25 years old who are unemployed or economically inactive, not in contact with mainstream services and who are experiencing a range of issues at the same time, including people who live in poverty.

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Grants for National Vegetarian Week 2015

30 Apr 2015 - 09:16 by michelle.foster

The Vegetarian Society have a fund to help support National Vegetarian Week (NVW) community activities and events.

Who can apply?
• Vegetarian groups, local network groups and student vegetarian and vegan societies (whether they are formally part of our network or not)
• Not for profit organisations in the UK e.g. community groups, schools, social housing schemes, youth clubs, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Guides
• Informal groups of friends, parents or students
• Individuals

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Comic Relief - Tech for Good Programme

30 Apr 2015 - 09:14 by michelle.foster

Comic Relief fully understands how important digital technology is in modern life and have ample evidence of its potential to address some of our biggest social challenges. Through Tech For Good Comic Relief want to support not-for-profit organisations in using digital technology to create social change by delivering new ideas or more effective services.

This programme is specifically targeted at not-for-profit organisations that already have some technical expertise and capacity to enact social change using digital technologies.

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Big Lottery Fund Webinars

29 Apr 2015 - 15:56 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery currently offer an Awards for All England webinar, and an identifying need and an outcomes webinar for applicants that are thinking of applying to their Reaching Communities programme. The webinars are presented by friendly and informative Funding Officers from the Big Lottery fund.

The webinars will talk you through:
• Eligibility criteria and what the Big Lottery could help to pay for
• Examples of successful projects
• Hints and tips on how to put together your application including sources of evidence
• How to conquer those project outcomes

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Youth and Play Small Grant 2015/16

29 Apr 2015 - 09:16 by michelle.foster

As a result of the recent consultation and budget set by Manchester City Council on 6 March 2015, the Local Authority Youth and Play Funds will remain at £1.588m in 2015/16. The purpose of the Youth and Play Small Grant Programme is to utilise the contingency funding that remains from extending the majority of existing Youth and Play Fund contracts to improve outcomes for children and young people. It is envisaged that this be done through the delivery of play and youth services / activities from the Voluntary and Community Sector in Manchester.

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