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BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme

17 Jan 2014 - 10:18 by michelle.foster

BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations applying for any amount up to and including £10,000 for one year.

Grants are given for:
Children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through:
1. Illness, distress, abuse or neglect
2. Any kind of disability
3. Behavioural or psychological difficulties
4. Living in poverty or situations of deprivation

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Comic Relief Local Communities Programme

17 Jan 2014 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

There are still many communities in the UK that suffer from economic and social deprivation and the current economic climate may make this situation worse.
For this reason, Comic Relief has decided that £4.5 million should be available to fund projects across the UK which are addressing these issues through the 'Local Communities' programme.

The Local Communities programme will run for two years and during this time, grants of between £1000 and £10,000 will be available.

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Viridor Credits Funding

17 Jan 2014 - 10:09 by michelle.foster

Constituted non-profit organisations in eligible areas in England can apply now for capital funding for community, biodiversity or heritage projects that benefit their local community.

Viridor Credits provides funding for a huge range of projects and will consider eligible applications on their merits and in light of the funding available.

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Manchester Women’s Aid have received funding to expand their domestic violence project

16 Jan 2014 - 14:10 by michelle.foster

Manchester Women’s Aid have received a Big Lottery grant to expand a project helping women and children from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities which are experiencing or escaping from domestic violence.

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Finance Scrutiny Committee Considers VCS Grants and Commissioning

9 Jan 2014 - 13:09 by Nigel Rose

The Financial Scrutiny Committee of Manchester City Council met on Thursday 9th Jan. The two main items under consideration were reports on "Commissioning of Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations" and an "Update of Progress in Developing the Commissioning Hub".

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Investment and Contract Readiness Fund to support arts ventures to access new social investment fund

8 Jan 2014 - 11:50 by michelle.foster

Arts ventures looking to raise investment can apply for an investment readiness grant as part of a new initiative to bring more capital into the arts sector.

Investing for Good and Cabinet Office are developing a new social investment fund for the arts sector. The Arts Ventures Fund will open in 2014 and aims to increase access to and participation in arts and culture amongst older people, establish education projects for young people and support projects in the wider community.

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Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants Fund

7 Jan 2014 - 15:49 by michelle.foster

Do you have a project you'd like to get up and running in 2014? Are you looking for funding to continue running a group or activity for older people in your neighbourhood? The Age-friendly Manchester Small Grants fund provides small grants of up to £300 to projects that benefit older people living in the City of Manchester.

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Bid for funding to tackle food poverty

7 Jan 2014 - 12:46 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is inviting voluntary and other third sector groups to bid for a share of a new £250,000 fund which will combat food poverty in the city.

Manchester City Council has made the additional funding available under its Local Welfare Scheme to help the most vulnerable residents in crisis situations, for example the homeless or those fleeing violence or domestic abuse.

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