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The Community Investment Fund

7 Mar 2014 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

The Community Investment Fund invests debt and equity into community based social enterprises and charities in England. The Fund’s investors are the Social Investment Business Foundation and Big Society Capital.

The Fund invests between £250,000 and £1m in community based, locally led organisations which are providing essential support and services to improve the well-being of local residents, developing the local economy and creating positive social change for all individuals in the community.

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Show your Support by hosting an Armed Forces Day 2014 event

7 Mar 2014 - 10:35 by michelle.foster

Plans are fully underway for the sixth annual Armed Forces Day on Saturday 28 June, and you can show your support for the Armed Forces and Veterans by applying for funding to host your very own event.

For the last five years Armed Forces Day has been celebrated by events big and small across all of the United Kingdom, and even abroad. As well as the national event, hosted this year by the City of Stirling in Scotland, a series of smaller events will take place up and down the UK to recognise the outstanding work of our Armed Forces.

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Big Lottery Fund launches £10 million fund to get sector investment ready

28 Feb 2014 - 09:34 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery Fund has announced the launch of Big Potential, a £10 million fund to help charities and social enterprises get investment ready. The ultimate aim of the fund is to improve the sustainability, capacity and scale of VCSE organisations so they can deliver greater social impact.

The Big Lottery Fund has chosen the Social Investment Business in partnership with Charity Bank, Social Enterprise UK, Locality and the University of Northampton to deliver the much needed support to the VCSE sector.

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BBC Children in Need - Small Grants Programme 2014 Deadlines

28 Feb 2014 - 09:32 by michelle.foster

BBC Children in Need give grants for children and young people of 18 years and under experiencing disadvantage through illness, distress, abuse or neglect, any kind of disability, behavioural or psychological difficulties and living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Organisations are funded who work to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people's lives.

BBC Children in Need's Small Grants programme is open to charities and not-for-profit organisations.

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Protecting Playing Fields

28 Feb 2014 - 09:20 by michelle.foster

Playing fields are one of the most important resources for sport in England but many of them are waterlogged or in a state of disrepair, so Sport England are investing £28 million of National Lottery funding into improving community sports fields.

The programme is being delivered via eight funding rounds with approximately £4 million being awarded to projects in each round. The first five rounds of funding has benefited 336 projects who have been able to either create new natural turf pitches or improve existing ones that needed leveling or drainage works.

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Applications open for ITV’s Text Santa 2014

27 Feb 2014 - 14:44 by michelle.foster

Do you want to raise awareness of the great work your charity does to help others? Text Santa aims to help someone near you and raises funds every year to do just that.

As well as raising money, the aim is to maximise brand awareness for all of the charities involved. Text Santa provided the charities with 6 hours of airtime through ITV’s existing programming formats and regional news!

In order to be able to apply for the opportunity to become a Text Santa beneficiary your charity must comply with the following criteria:

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United UtilitiesTrust Fund – Money advice grants

21 Feb 2014 - 11:09 by michelle.foster

Organisations involved in the provision of money advice and financial literacy projects are invited to apply for funding from the United Utilities Trust Fund.

Revenue Project Funding
Funding is available up to £62,500 over 2 years for projects that will advise and support people who need help:
• coping with the implications of Welfare Reform on their personal and household budgets when unable to access help elsewhere
• accessing online welfare benefit entitlements and other web-based facilities to encourage sustainable financial well-being

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Better Care Fund

20 Feb 2014 - 13:08 by Nigel Rose

The Better Care Fund by the government was announced in June 2013. It is a funding mechamism, covering the period 2014/15 and 2015/16 intended to incentivise integration of health and social services and more specifically to reduce hospital admissions. North, Central and South Cliinical Commissioning Groups, together with Manchester City Council will decide shortly how their slice of national funding will be spent, as projects need to be put in place rapidly.

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Food Futures - Growing Manchester Programme 2014

17 Feb 2014 - 14:04 by michelle.foster

Need support to help you and your organisation grow your own healthy, fresh and sustainable food?

Thinking of starting a community food growing project but don't know where to start?

The 'Growing Manchester' programme could be just what you are looking for to help you and your organisation get started or take your project to the next level.

The Food Futures 'Growing Manchester' programme supports new and existing community food growing projects to ensure that local people with an enthusiasm to grow can access the training and support their project needs to succeed.

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