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Free community education workshops

4 Aug 2022 - 10:40 by michelle.foster

British Red Cross are delivering free workshops for community groups. The free educational sessions will help you learn practical skills and ways to cope in emergencies, connect with others and trainingbuild your confidence. The workshops are available online, by telephone, and in face-to-face sessions.

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Manchester City Council's Cultural Partnership Grants programme 2023-26

3 Aug 2022 - 13:12 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council's Cultural Partnership Grants programme 2023-26 will provide core funding to cultural organisations in Manchester. Grants are available at £10,000 - £40,000 per year funding(subject to Council decision-making and budget setting) and the programme will launch in September.

To be eligible for this funding, your organisation must be:

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Our Manchester VCS Fund 2023-2026 information events

2 Aug 2022 - 14:07 by michelle.foster

The Our Manchester VCS Grants Programme which is Manchester City Council’s largest grants programme for the voluntary and community sector (£2.4m per year), has been going through a refresh over the last few months. Following fundingengagement and a co-design process, the new Programme will be launching on 1 September 2022. 

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Shared Topic Areas: 

Community cohesion

Supported by Wythenshawe Community Housing Group

Criteria: For an individual or group who has done some great work to bring communities together to understand, appreciate and positively value each other. The work must have taken place in Manchester within the last 12 months. Nominations must show:

Partnership and collaboration 2022 nominations

Supported by Our Manchester Funds Team, Manchester City Council 

Criteria: How have you worked in partnership or collaborated to make a difference and fulfil a need in your community? How did working in partnership mean your task was successful/more effective. Partnerships can be voluntary or community sector organisation working with the public sector, private company or another community group.
