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Women and Gambling-Related Harm

25 Nov 2021 - 09:11 by michelle.foster

gamcareGambling-related harm can be very hidden and the signs, such as debt, depression and anxiety, may not immediately suggest that gambling is the cause.

Women make up over 80% of affected others who call the National Gambling Helpline, and 20% of gamblers. The number of women with a gambling problem is rising at twice the rate of men.

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An invitation to partner with BeeVocal and Bridgewater Hall

25 Nov 2021 - 09:09 by michelle.foster

bee vocal choirBee Vocal Choir along with the BridgeWater Hall are looking to enter into discussions with a Mental Health organisation/charity/ social enterprise to develop a long-term partnership with. Bee Vocal are a Manchester based Mental Health Choir that tackles mental health challenges through song.

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Research opportunity for parents/carers/teachers/staff - University of Manchester

20 Nov 2021 - 13:00 by charlotte.chilvers

The University of Manchester are currently working on an NIHR funded research project aiming to Enhance the CAMHS referral process.

The aim of the research is to understand what the difficulties are in making referrals to CAMHS services across the UK. We want to improve the quality of referrals to CAMHS services so that only children and young people who can be helped by CAMHS are referred; and so that others can be guided to receive help they need elsewhere.

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Power to Changes New Economy Programme

20 Nov 2021 - 12:54 by charlotte.chilvers

Power to Change is partnering with Stir to Action to offer 80 free training places on the 2021/2022 New Economy Programme, a learning and action platform to support community business. ‍

Power to Change aspires to diversify our reach, particularly with people from communities experiencing inequity. As such, we would like to offer free training places to the following people:

Minoritised ethnic communities

Young adult (aged 18-35)

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The Charity Service - Winter Fund

18 Nov 2021 - 21:04 by charlotte.chilvers

The Charity Service have 20 x £250 grants available for small charities, community or voluntary groups in Greater Manchester who want to do something towards alleviating social isolation/loneliness or provide support to the homeless or vulnerable families and children this winter. 

What can you apply for?

That is up to you but some things this could include is: 

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Joint statement on Anti Refugee Bill – for signature by organisations in GM

12 Nov 2021 - 13:29 by michelle.foster

petitionThe Government's Nationality and Borders Bill – or Anti Refugee Bill, threatens the biggest overhaul of the UK's asylum and immigration system in 20 years, and fundamentally threatens the right to seek asylum in the UK. The Bill is currently nearing report stage in the House of Commons.

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DCMS and Arts Council Volunteering Futures Fund

12 Nov 2021 - 09:34 by michelle.foster

fundingThrough National Lottery Project Grants, the Arts Council are working with Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to create more and better volunteering opportunities for young people and others who experience barriers to have high quality opportunities.

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