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Manchester Adult Education Services Digital Skills Courses

9 Sep 2020 - 09:08 by michelle.foster

maesFrom September 2020, anyone with no or low digital skills will be able to work towards essential digital skills qualifications

The Manchester Adult Education Services (MAES) accessible courses will support you to develop your digital skills for work and everyday life. MAES will help you to learn how to use different devices and applications to:

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The Big Greater Manchester Mental Wellbeing Conversation

4 Sep 2020 - 10:53 by cheryl.mcalister

People who work and live in Greater Manchester are being asked to join a conversation about their mental wellbeing, to better understand what action is needed to improve mental wellbeing.

What it is: A simple survey for the population of Greater Manchester to fill out, about mental wellbeing. The survey is anonymous, and there is a prize draw that people can opt in to after completing the survey.

Why are we doing it: To find out key issues and opinions regarding mental wellbeing, and staying mentally well, across the region.

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Funding bulletin September 2020

28 Aug 2020 - 14:50 by michelle.foster

maccInformation for the bulletin is compiled from a number of sources including Grantfinder, and direct from funders themselves. It showcases just a few of the hundreds of funding opportunities available for local community, voluntary and faith organisations.

This bulletin is produced by a partnership of local support and development agencies across Greater Manchester.

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Launch of Emergency Grants for BAME Communities – stage two

27 Aug 2020 - 14:21 by michelle.foster

GM BAME Network, supported by GMCVO, have launched the second stage of the emergency grants programme to support small GM BAME led VCSE organisations and communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stage two will be launched on 1 September 2020 and will close on 13 October 2020, 12pm.

Stage two is a competitive small grants programme awarding grants of £1,000-£3,000 to organisations with an income of under £30,000.

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OMDP Independent Co-Chair – Vacancy

27 Aug 2020 - 11:40 by michelle.foster

This is an exciting time to join the Our Manchester Disability Partnership Team as the Our Manchester Disability Plan and Partnership are currently undertaking significant strategic development.

The Partnership are seeking an Independent Chair who is a disabled person or has lived experience of disability who lives or works in Manchester to join their existing Co-Chair to lead the Partnership Board through this period of review and refresh.

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GM Poverty Action Podcast – Decent work, poverty and the Real Living Wage in post lockdown Greater Manchester

26 Aug 2020 - 12:04 by michelle.foster

gmpaOver the coming months, GMPA will be releasing a series of podcasts on how to rebuild the economy of Greater Manchester following the COVID-19 pandemic. The podcasts will be hosted by John Hacking, coordinator of the Greater Manchester Living Wage Campaign.

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Report published on how to build a more inclusive economy

26 Aug 2020 - 08:46 by michelle.foster

gmvcse leadership groupThe VCSE Leadership Group has published a discussion paper on 'Building Back Better' in Greater Manchester to create a more inclusive economy, together with the VCSE sector and the wider social economy.

The report provides a range of successful, practical ideas and live examples which are likely to produce a more inclusive, green and localised economy.

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VRU Vulnerable Children's Charities Funding for Greater Manchester

25 Aug 2020 - 09:47 by michelle.foster

home officeOn 22 June 2020, the Government announced that the Home Office had secured additional, one-off emergency support funding for small/micro charities that are working in marginalised communities with vulnerable young people at risk of being involved in serious violence.  The Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit had been provided funding to allocate grants to Greater Manchester’s small and micro charities (defined as those having an income le

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Applications now open to become the next generation of Change Makers

24 Aug 2020 - 15:22 by michelle.foster

change makersHow does the current state of society make you feel? Is it fair? Do you feel represented? Do you see people who look like you, sound like you, at the highest levels of politics, business and education?

Do you want to make change but feel unsure how to? If you do, this free programme is for you.

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The Road Safety Trust Small grants plus programme

24 Aug 2020 - 14:57 by michelle.foster

road safety trustThe Road Safety Trust are relaunching their Small Grants programme in a slightly different format to 2019. For this round they have increased the minimum amount that can be applied for to £20K and the maximum amount to £50K. The Trust are particularly encouraging applications that respond to changing road use and emerging road safety issues as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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