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GMPA Newsletter – 13 March 2019

15 Mar 2019 - 10:54 by michelle.foster

After the successful launch of the GM Food Poverty Action Plan, there are a number of articles in the newsletter reporting on the event and the Plan. Over 50 pledges have already been made. Grater Manchester Poverty Action

There is also information about the joint IGAU and GMPA ‘From Poverty to Prosperity’ Conference on 2 April 2019 and a number of other events as well as information about two job opportunities. 

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My MS My Needs Survey 2019

15 Mar 2019 - 10:52 by michelle.foster

The MS Society have launched their third My MS My Needs survey. Fill it in and tell them what it’s like living with MS in the UK today.

My MS My Needs is one of the largest surveys of people affected by MS in the UK. It asks whether you are getting the treatments, services and support that you need.

By completing this you’ll help make sure that the work the MS Society does is focused on what’s most important.

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New campaign launched to help tens of thousands more Greater Manchester smokers to quit

13 Mar 2019 - 14:36 by michelle.foster

A major new campaign to encourage smokers in Greater Manchester to quit is to be launched on National No Smoking Day (13 March). 

The new ‘exsmoker’ campaign centres on the real life experiences of former smokers from across Greater Manchester, providing a positive message that you can stop smoking.

While reminding smokers of the serious health impacts of tobacco, the focus is more on the personal benefits of quitting, as experienced by these local residents.

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Macmillan needs your help in putting people at the heart of delivering their strategy

8 Mar 2019 - 11:41 by michelle.foster

Are you living with cancer or been affected by it as a carer or family member? Macmillan Cancer Support

Then Macmillan would like to work in partnership with you so that they can deliver better services and support to people right now and in the future.

Would you like to help find new ways for people living with cancer to raise issues that are important with Macmillan and hold us to account?

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Community Led Homes Start-Up Support programme

8 Mar 2019 - 11:02 by michelle.foster

The Start-Up Support Programme aims to help groups of local people to develop their own community led housing solutions. The grant programme is targeted to support the earliest stages of a community led housing group’s development and help community led housing projects at an early stage to explore options, to enable community led housing solutions to become a reality. Community Led Homes

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Research on behalf of GreaterSport

8 Mar 2019 - 11:00 by michelle.foster

GreaterSport is conducting research to understand more about residents of Greater Manchester and physical activity. This will inform the campaign they are undertaking to help them achieve their target of getting 75% of GM residents active. greatersport

GreaterSport have commissioned an independent research agency, to conduct a survey to understand the experiences of GM residents.

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How accessible are NHS health screening tests?

8 Mar 2019 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

Breakthrough UK is working with Manchester Health and Care Commissioning to understand disabled people’s experiences of accessing NHS Health Screening Programmes. What works well? What are the barriers? What needs to change? Sharing your experiences will assist commissioners to make future screening as accessible as possible to local disabled people.

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The Pankhurst Trust Some Women Coach project – free coaching for women leaders

8 Mar 2019 - 10:54 by michelle.foster

The Pankhurst Trust Some Women Coach project offers coaching free to women who have demonstrated leadership and who are unlikely to receive coaching in their role or position (work or voluntary).

The Pankhurst Trust are keen to ensure that their clients are representative of the women of Greater Manchester and to this end they welcome applications from disabled women, women from BAME and LGBTQ women.

There are 50 places available. 

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