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GMCA and NHS in Greater Manchester Survey on Suicide

21 Feb 2019 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

To help them understand what the region thinks about suicide and therefore how they can develop a campaign to encourage people to talk about it, a short survey has been created. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and NHS in Greater Manchester would like to talk to you about suicide. GMCA and NHS in GM

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Paid work placements with Manchester NHS Foundation Trust

15 Feb 2019 - 10:13 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester resident, aged 16-24 and looking for paid work experience with real opportunity for progression?

The My Future programme will give you the chance to do a 4-week pre-employment training course at Manchester College and 13 weeks paid work experience in a clinical (health care assistant) and non-clinical (administration) role with Manchester NHS Foundation Trust.

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DYNAMO Grow your own Social Adventure

15 Feb 2019 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

• Would like to make a difference to your community?
• Want to meet other like-minded people?
• Would you like to put your life-skills and experience to good use?
• Are you aged 50-years or over?

Join Healthy Me Healthy Communities for a new project for developing new social ventures in Manchester. The project is for people aged 50-years or over and will include training, mentoring and on-going support.

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New figures have revealed the scale of the impact alcohol has on in Greater Manchester

15 Feb 2019 - 10:08 by michelle.foster

Harms associated with alcohol are costing Greater Manchester’s public services £1.3 billion a year. That works out as almost £500 for every resident being spent on health, social care, crime and work costs – all because of the way we drink. In responsive to this stark situation the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) are holding The Big Alcohol Conversation, to find out more about the scale and nature of alcohol-related harm across the region and how it can be reduced.

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GM Poverty Action newsletter: Prosperity & poverty; mental health & UC; GMPA Training; Food Poverty Action Plan Launch; Rethinking Poverty; GMHP newsletter

15 Feb 2019 - 10:06 by michelle.foster

In the latest Greater Manchester Poverty Action newsletter the editorial is a piece by GMPA Director Graham Whitham looking at Greater Manchester’s Prosperity Review and other current activities designed to tackle poverty in the city region.  Greater Manchester Poverty Action

There is information on future training courses and the important launch of the GM Food Poverty Alliance’s Action Plan next month. 

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Manchester City Council – City Centre Public Space Protection Order Consultation

15 Feb 2019 - 10:04 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council are consulting with the public on a city centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to address a number of issues that are being reported to the Council and the Police. Proposals have been drawn up following evidence-gathering and listening to the concerns of people and businesses about their experiences in the city centre. Manchester City Council

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GM walking words

13 Feb 2019 - 14:14 by michelle.foster

The Greater Manchester (GM) Moving walking programme is working on some branding for the work that supports the notion that anyone can walk anytime, anywhere and ‘their way’. The aim is to help people recognise that they can and do walk, and that it is possible to do more as part of their everyday life. Along with a range of images, part of this is developing some alternative terms for walking that a range of people can relate to. GM Moving

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Looking for a fresh start? Self-Reliant Groups in Greater Manchester roles

12 Feb 2019 - 15:52 by cheryl.mcalister

Church Action on Poverty needs people to help them develop Self-Reliant Groups (SRG) in Greater Manchester.

An SRG is made up of 4-10 members from the same neighbourhood and / or similar economic and social experience. They meet regularly and save small manageable amounts, such as 50p or £1 per week. The group is not dependent on outside funding, and has collective and rotating leadership.

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