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Weekly Drop-in

10 Apr 2019 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

Every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm-4pm we have a weekly drop-in for community groups. Come along for a chat with our friendly team at our offices: Macc, Swan Buildings, 3rd Floor, 20 Swan Street, Manchester, M4 5JW, for community groups:

  • Brand new / starting out
  • Never accessed support from Macc
  • Not sure if or how we can help

We’ll be there to listen to your ideas and questions, tell you about what we offer and show you how you can access our support.

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Film 42

5 Apr 2019 - 13:55 by michelle.foster

Are you interested in film-making? Would you like to develop some practical film-making skills? Want to work with an award-winning filmmaker to create unique and original films which will make a real difference? Do you have something to say about your mood or well-being? Film 42 is recruiting young Black men aged 16-20 years old to take part in an exciting new project, aimed at exploring the themes of mood and well-being. 42nd Street

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Read Easy Wythenshawe

5 Apr 2019 - 13:53 by michelle.foster

We’re so used to reading online, road signs, books, emails and labels in supermarkets that we often don’t give it a second thought. However, up to one in twenty adults in this country struggle to read, often because they didn’t manage to learn at school and have spent years hiding it. Read Easy provides confidential, one to one coaching to help adults feel more confident and independent. Read Easy

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Art and Culture on Prescription – The Manchester Museum’s and Galleries Partnership

5 Apr 2019 - 13:51 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Museum and the Whitworth, part of the University of Manchester, and Manchester Art Gallery provide creative arts for health programmes for the local community through a varied programme of activities. In 2012 they were recognised by RSPH for outstanding and innovative contributions to Arts and Health research and practice with two awards. Creative Arts for Health

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Out-of-school settings survey

5 Apr 2019 - 13:47 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is working with the DfE on a project to promote and raise awareness of effective safeguarding practices at activities delivered to children, without their parents' or carers' supervision, within out-of-school settings. An out-of-school setting is a location which is not a school, college, 16-19 academy or provider caring for children under 8 years old which is registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency.

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Back for the 5th Year: Greater Manchester Walking Festival 1-31 May 2019

5 Apr 2019 - 13:45 by michelle.foster

No matter whether you’re a stroller, roamer, shuffler, moocher or a marcher the Greater Manchester Walking Festival (GM Walking Festival ) has something for you. Back bigger and better for the fifth year, it runs from Wednesday 1 May to Friday 31 May, and offers 400 free guided walks exploring towns, cities, the countryside, canals, riversides and parks across Greater Manchester. GM Walking Festival 2019

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Emmeline's Pantry have spare office equipment available

5 Apr 2019 - 12:57 by michelle.foster

Emmeline's Pantry are in the process of moving into a new building, the former Sure Start Centre in Chorlton Park. The previous owners have kindly left items which Emmeline's Pantry have no use for and they’d like to give this to community groups, they have available: 

5 blue plastic chairs
3 green fabric covered chairs
2 swivel chairs (one red, one green)
2 small desks
1 larger desk
1 large white board

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GM Poverty Action Newsletter 27 March 2019

5 Apr 2019 - 12:35 by michelle.foster

In The Greater Manchester Poverty Action Newsletter there is information about the Good Employment Charter, an update from Salford City Council on their ‘No-one Left Behind’ campaign at the end of their second year, information about a food poverty event and an update on our food providers map. GMPA

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