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Small Charity Week 16 - 21 June 2014

2 Jun 2014 - 14:29 by michelle.foster

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

Small Charity Week is brought to you by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), who with the support of partner organisations ensure the work of small charities is recognised and celebrated.

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Skipton Building Society Grassroots Giving 2014

2 Jun 2014 - 14:28 by michelle.foster

For 2014, Skipton Building Society has allocated 161 donations of £500 to help fund development for grassroots organisations.

The idea behind the Grassroots Giving campaign is to help community organisations, or groups, who only have access to limited funding from elsewhere. If you are a small group that is working to help those in your local neighbourhood this is for you.

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ESF Community Learning Grants 2014

29 May 2014 - 11:19 by michelle.foster

Does your group want to help people overcome barriers and gain the skills and confidence to get back into work?

Small community and voluntary groups, registered charities and social enterprises, with preference given to organisations with a turnover of no more than £300,000 per year in each of the last 2 years can apply.

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Cash Grants 2014/2015 Didsbury East and Didsbury West wards

23 May 2014 - 11:20 by michelle.foster

The new Cash Grants Programme for 2014-15 has now been launched. This funding is available to spend on projects in the ward that meet identified local priorities. The Cash Grant Fund is here to help your good ideas take root and grow.

The Fund is open to formal established groups, voluntary groups and other community groups, as well as groups of residents working together for the first time. School Parent Teacher Associations can also apply if they have the support of local residents and parents and their project will benefit the wider community and not just the school.

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Sport England Inspired Facilities – Deadlines for 2014

23 May 2014 - 10:51 by michelle.foster

Inspired Facilities is a £110 million programme from Sport England that funds the renovation and modernisation of local sports facilities.

Inspired Facilities is focused on making it easier for local community and volunteer groups to improve and refurbish sports clubs or transform non-sporting venues into modern grassroots sport facilities. Tired, worn out, old facilities make it harder for people to start or keep doing sport. They can also be more expensive to run and difficult to maintain.

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The Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund – Deadlines for 2014

23 May 2014 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund is a registered charity and was established to promote, enhance, improve and protect both the natural and built environment in our local community. The Trustees award grants of a maximum of £3,000.

Each year Manchester Airports Group contributes £100,000 to the Fund; any fines levied at aircraft that have breached their stringent noise limits are also paid in to the Fund. These funds are then used to support neighbourhood and community projects throughout the area.

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The 555 Wednesday Giveaway

22 May 2014 - 14:29 by michelle.foster

Virgin Money Giving have joined forces with PayPal to run an exciting promotion for all their fundraisers this spring – The 555 Wednesday Giveaway.

Between 5pm and 6pm every Wednesday, for 5 weeks starting on 21 May 2014, they will match (excluding Gift Aid) online donations of £100 or less made to any Virgin Money Giving fundraising page via PayPal until they hit £5,000. So that's a whopping £25,000 donation pot available to give away!

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20 May 2014 - 13:09 by cheryl.mcalister

We have a secret formula to build the capacity and capability of you and your team to seize new opportunities, achieve more with less, and become more resourceful in overcoming challenges.

Our formula transforms an hour or more each day of our time poor lives, freeing us to think more strategically, creatively and innovatively.

Our secret formula is…. any old tram plus the journey from A to B.

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Fundraising advice, support and problem solving for Small Charities

16 May 2014 - 14:41 by michelle.foster

The Institute of Fundraising's (IOF) Small Charities Programme have secured funding from the Santander Foundation, allowing the delivery of four follow-up surgeries and four action learning days.

Surgery Sessions
The IOF are offering 28 one hour surgery slots across four days. The one-to-one surgery sessions provide the opportunity to receive guidance in reviewing fundraising materials and implementing strategies, to consolidate your knowledge and offer feedback.

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Consultation on a new fund to support the sustainability of VCSE Organisations

16 May 2014 - 09:30 by michelle.foster

The Cabinet Office are seeking views on a new £40 million fund to help voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations secure their futures.

The fund will provide medium-sized organisations with the support they need to plan for the long term and begin to move to sustainable business models. The fund will be open to applications in 2015 and will look particularly at supporting organisations working with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of society.

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