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All Children and Families

Introducing ‘Home-Start Manchester’

3 Nov 2017 - 11:12 by michelle.foster

Manchester is one of the local authority only areas in the country served by one local authority but with two separate Home-Start schemes. Both schemes' Trustees and Scheme Managers have been meeting for some time to evaluate the pros and cons of becoming one Manchester organisation. Home-Start Manchester has concluded that a merger of both schemes will create a stronger; more efficient and effective service for families, volunteers, referring and wider partner agencies.

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Young Manchester Youth and Play Fund 2018-2020

1 Nov 2017 - 12:05 by michelle.foster

The purpose of this fund is Youth and Play, delivered by neighbourhood and city wide voluntary and community sector (VCS) partners to ensure children and young people aged 5-19 (up to 25 for care leavers and those with additional needs) have sufficient good quality access to Youth and Play services in their local areas and where the needs are greatest. Young Manchester

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Caritas Care and National Adoption Week 16 – 22 October

18 Oct 2017 - 12:51 by michelle.foster

As in previous years, the need to find families for some of our most vulnerable children remains at the heart of this year’s National Adoption Week. This year focuses on the need to find the right adopters for sibling groups. Caritas Care

Nationally 61% of children waiting for Adoption are in sibling groups and right here in the Northwest it’s higher still at 64%.

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Adopting a Child

9 Oct 2017 - 12:27 by michelle.foster

Monday 16 October marks the start of this year’s National Adoption Week. Outstanding Independent Adoption Agency Caritas Care is looking for families in the Lancashire and Greater Manchester areas for children who wait longer to find their forever home. They are particularly keen to speak to people who would consider adoption for children who: Caritas Care
• Are over 4 years of age
• Are in a sibling group of 2,3…or 4

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The Magdalen Hospital Trust small grants

4 Oct 2017 - 11:38 by michelle.foster

The Magdalen Hospital Trust makes small grants (usually £500 - £2,000) towards projects that support vulnerable children and young adults - particularly projects that: provide training for work and personal development; provide clubs for young people; assist crime prevention; provide emergency care; provide play schemes; and provide mental health support and counselling. The Magdalen Hospital Trust

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ACT for YOUTH Campaign

4 Oct 2017 - 11:36 by michelle.foster

Counter Terrorism Police have launched their first ever safety campaign aimed at children and teenagers, a version of Run Hide Tell, for 11 to 16 years olds, which they recommend should be taught in schools and colleges as part of the national curriculum.

The "run, hide, tell" advice promotes that people should first try to flee an attack - or alternatively find somewhere safe to hide - and then alert authorities, when it is safe to do so.

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BBC Children in Need and Wellcome launch Curiosity Fund

25 Aug 2017 - 12:10 by michelle.foster

Curiosity is a brand new £2.5m partnership between BBC Children in Need and the Wellcome Trust which will use the power of exciting and engaging science activities to create change for children and young people experiencing disadvantage in the UK. BBC Children in Need and Wellcome

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The Cost of a Child in 2017 - New report

21 Aug 2017 - 12:00 by helen.walker

The Child Poverty Action Group have launched their The Cost of a Child in 2017 report which has found that inflation and the benefit freeze are making it more and more difficult for families to afford the costs associated with raising a child. Between 2012 and 2019, benefits will have risen by just 3% while prices are projected to have risen by 12%.

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