Children and Families

Spirit of Manchester Story - Making sure every child celebrates their birthday

Birthday Stars provides a party on a monthly basis for a group of children whose birthdays fall around that time. It is also an opportunity for the parents of those children, to meet for a chat as well as share their children’s party; a family day to celebrate is available to all.

Manchester Safeguarding Boards e-Bulletin 3 September 2018

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) comprises the Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) and the Manchester Safeguarding Children Boards (MSCB). The Boards share an Independent Chair, Julia Stephens-Row; and are supported by the MSB Business Unit. Manchester Safeguarding Boards

Macc is a recruiting a new Chair of Trustees

Macc is a charity and put simply, our purpose is the city of Manchester. We work to inspire, enable and support the people of Manchester to get involved and build the communities where we live, work and grow. We are the support and development organisation for local charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises. Macc

Macc is recruiting new Trustees

Macc is a charity and put simply, our purpose is the city of Manchester. We work to inspire, enable and support the people of Manchester to get involved and build the communities where we live, work and grow. We are the support and development organisation for local charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises. Macc

Gaddum are recruiting Trustees

Gaddum are recruiting new trustees for its Board, which offers Governance and Strategic Leadership to the organisation. The Gaddum Centre

This is an opportunity to join an enthusiastic and forward looking Board of Trustees, governing one of Greater Manchester’s fastest growing and progressive Charities, which provides support in some of the most vital areas of Health and Social Care.

Young Manchester enables young Mancunians to learn through adventure

Young Manchester has launched their new fund for the City that will enable children and young people to take part in outdoor activities and enjoy residential trips to expand their learning.

The Outdoor Learning and Adventurous Activity Fund has commissioned £40,000 which will enable 19 Manchester based organisations to run 22 different activities over the next nine months. Water Adventure Centre