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Manchester Safeguarding Boards e-Bulletin Sixth edition – 5 March 2018

8 Mar 2018 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) comprises the Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) and the Manchester Safeguarding Children Boards (MSCB). The Boards share an Independent Chair, Julia Stephens-Row; and are supported by the MSB Business Unit. Manchester Safeguarding Boards

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The Church of England Wythenshawe Holiday Breakfast Club

12 Feb 2018 - 15:06 by michelle.foster

The Church of England Wythenshawe is running a Holiday Breakfast Club 10am – 11.30am on: The Church of England holiday breakfast club

Monday 19 February at William Temple Church
Tuesday 20 February and Wednesday 21 February at St Richard’s, Peel Hall
Thursday 23 February at St Martin’s, Baguley
Friday 24 February at St Luke’s, Benchill

There will be free breakfasts and crafts for children and parents.

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Local Safeguarding Fora members wanted

9 Feb 2018 - 10:59 by michelle.foster

The North, Central and South Safeguarding Children Fora are the connection between the strategic work of the Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board (MSCB) and front-line practitioners from all agencies. Their main purpose is to ensure that there is a direct link between practice issues at a local level and the overall direction of the Board. Manchester Safeguarding Children Board

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Manchester Safeguarding Boards e-Bulletin Fifth edition – February 2018

9 Feb 2018 - 10:57 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) comprises the Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) and the Manchester Safeguarding Children Boards (MSCB). The Boards share an Independent Chair, Julia Stephens-Row; and are supported by the MSB Business Unit. The bulletin includes news, events, training opportunities and links to information and resources which we hope will be of use to the multi-agency safeguarding workforce and the wider community across Manchester.

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Coming up in 2018…

2 Jan 2018 - 10:42 by Mike Wild

I’m writing this in the final days of 2017 and a list of things which will affect charities, community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises even just within Manchester is something you can never actually finish writing (note to self: write more blogs this year) but here are the things which are swishing around in my head as things to think about for 2018.

Manchester Safeguarding Boards e-Bulletin Fourth edition – November 2017

8 Dec 2017 - 08:21 by michelle.foster

The Manchester Safeguarding Boards (MSB) comprises the Manchester Safeguarding Adults Board (MSAB) and the Manchester Safeguarding Children Boards (MSCB). The Boards share an Independent Chair, Julia Stephens-Row; and are supported by the MSB Business Unit. MSCB and MSAB

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Trapped Campaign – The criminal exploitation of children and adults

24 Nov 2017 - 09:57 by michelle.foster

Police, local authorities, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, young people and an MP have launched a campaign to stop criminal gangs from grooming children and vulnerable adults to commit crime.

The campaign, known as ‘Trapped’, aims to raise awareness of criminals who are grooming and exploiting children and young adults to commit crime on their behalf.
Offenders take victims from urban areas to the countryside or coastal areas to sell drugs. Sometimes victims are trafficked closer to home, and are moved around Greater Manchester.

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GM Safeguarding Children Procedures Survey

23 Nov 2017 - 15:40 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester is currently assessing the use of their online multi agency Greater Manchester Safeguarding Children Procedures which the Manchester Safeguarding Children’s Board adopts.

To complete the short survey, visit: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/C7XGFBQ by 30 November 2017.

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The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust – Early years' preventative work

10 Nov 2017 - 10:46 by michelle.foster

The Sylvia Adams Charitable Trust is looking to support work which will improve the life chances for some of the most disadvantaged children in England and Wales by investing in early intervention and preventative work. The Trust is looking to support work with targeted groups of 0-3 year olds in England and Wales which will specifically improve the reach to these targeted groups and bring about improved defined outcomes for these targeted groups.

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